Mamma says I must have been washing behind my ears, like a good girl, but my ear turned over and it stayed that way. She says if that happens to Patches or Mittens, they shake their head and straighten it out, but it sure didn't bother me. It stayed this way for about 15 minutes. Momma thought it was cute, and brought out the flashy box.
~Precious Flower~
Oh, on her I think it looks... um... precious!
you just get cuter and cuter every day it seems!
Oh Precious, that is furry cute. Simone the Siamese before Cheysuli (the nice one) used to do that too.
Aw, what a funny ear photo! I missed the introduction of your cat tower. That is soooooooooooooooo cool! I'll bets you haf a great time on it!
Hi Precious Flower - YES ... I'd LOVE to play with you. Thanks for the invite! Two of the cats that live here will play with me a little bit, but not nearly enough and the other two will let me sleep by them but get real crabby if I so much as point out that their tail is moving. So it'd be really nice to have a friend to play with. Your climber looks like a lot of fun. -- Maggie Fu
After what you've been through, little one, we bet not much would bother you.
what a precious picture of you! you are truly becoming a more beautiful and precious kitty as each day passes. we are so glad you were rescued and adopted by your mamma.
That's so cute - I'll beg your Mom was giggling when she took the picture!
The first cat in charge of my woman did that and left it that way. I've done it but fix it quick. Victor nefur has... wonder if he efun cleans those ears. You are growing more lovely efurry day.
Oh Precious, you are a funny little poodin. :)
yur so cute an fuzzy! we like yur ear like that, but maybe fur just a few picshures an not like perm-a-net or anyfing.
I don't know how you do it, but you get cuter and cuter every time I see you!
Muhahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Your bean is bad!! She publishes prohibited photos in yours blog!!
Heehee! Precious, you were perfectly named...
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