Yes, I am upset. Yes, I am mad. There is a new kitty in the house. First, she was in the upstairs bathroom, yesterday, Momma moved her into the guest bedroom. Her belly is shaved and so is her neck and leg. Momma says she had surgery and I should be nice, but this is exactly what happened when Mittens came "visiting." She went in the bathroom first, then in the guest bedroom; the difference being, this girlcat is very outgoing, Mittens is a scairtycat.
Momma is trying to give me extra attention. I do sit on her lap a lot, and that is nice. Mittens is ignoring her, I suppose she thinks if she does this, she will just go away.
Patches, sometimes when you are livin' the good life and there's more than enough to go around, you just have to share. maybe she will be fun to play with?
Ms Patches, I know it's a bit diffikult rite now, but don't furgit yore Momma will ALWAYS luv yu very very much. And Ms Mittens too. Nuthin' will EVER change that. She has such a big heart, with so much luv in it, that there will be plenty for Ms Precious Flower too, without her luvvin' yu any less.
Patches, I can fully unnerstand your position - I felted the same way when Miles gotted here. Trixie tolded me a long time ago that she felted the same way when I got here too. Mommy gives me just as much attenshun as she gives Miles - efen though he is a complete attenshun hog and has to be on her ALL the time lately. Fings will get better Patches, try not to feel so neglected. You and Mittens are welcome to come here anytime and visit - we has lots of tuna and ham.
Patches you are welcome at my house any time you want to come snuggle and visit.
Patches - you are the senior kitty and always will be. You are secure enough to share your beans' love with ALL the other kitties. right now, Flower needs a little more 'cuz she's had a tough time. I predict that it won't be long before the three of you are are playing and sleeping and eating together. you won't be able to imagine life without her!
Patches Lady
I know it is hard when someone new comes into yur house, but just know Miss Precious had been abandoned wif two little babies to take care of. She needed to find a safe place to lay her head. Yur Momma was so sweet to take her in and give her her furever home. IT will be OK, and you will be glad in time that you have a new sisfur.
Just give Precious a chance. She will love you and you will love her.
I'm sorry Patches, whenever a new kitty comes it is not too fun. Pretty soon you'll meet Precious for yourself and then you can decide if you like her or not. But give her a fair shot, she isn't as worldly as you are.
I'm glad you're getting extra scratches and lap time, that's so nice.
Hi Patches *headbutts* I came ofur to see how my bestest furriend Mistrie's doing wif the intruder... um... visitor. You're not keen on the um.. visitor huh? *kitty nods* It's tough. I kinda hate to think of a kitty starving tho. I tried that and it wasn't fun. Maybe she'll turn out ok. Where's Mistrie? I'm gonna go look for her under the hemlocks.
Patches, you are such a pretty kitty. Be nice to your new sister. She needs a place to stay, and I'm sure you will share your lovely home.
My poor Calico Girls. I know exactly what it feels like to have an intruder pop up in your life when you weren't expecting it. Take every advantage of you Momma's extra loving right now. Make sure she gives you extra treats too. That will help comfort you.
Yeah it's tough when an interloper comes. But pretty soon she will be a friend and you will all cuddle together.
We agree wif efurryone else!!! We gots that smae fing goin' on ofur at our house right now, too. It's hard, true, but the rewards are worth it.
~Meeko & Kiara
you'll prolly like her a whole bunch, but maybe ya shouldn't admit to it so you can still get extra treats an cuddles.
Patches - you are, and always will be, the boss lady of the house. I'm sure Precious won't try to usurp that position. She's so young and has so much to learn. Maybe she will be looking up to you to teach her the ways of the cat?
I still think that you are beautiful too, Miss Patches. Mittens and Mistrie as well. :)
Patches Lady you will always be the first ladycat of the house. Your mum is very nice to have such a loving heart to help Precious Flower through her bad times and give her a loving home.
Purrs and headbuts to all of the lovely ladies of the Big Piney Woods.
You all look so purty and I bet you'll always get lots of attention from CalicoMom. She's a big hearted purrson.
Dear Patches Lady, I know it is hard right now, but once you and Precious Flower get to know each other, it will get better. You will be pleased to have such a lovely sister. Hugs to Mittens and Mistrie too!
Patches, If you cannot with the enemy, you are united to him muhahahá!
I've lived through two of those musical room things. It turned out not so bad--I have two playmates in my sisters!
hello, ms patches lady! yepper, getting used to a "visitor" can be annoying. just be patient--the more your mom loves on you and your sisfurs, the more love she will have to share! it's true, really. and bast willing, you will all become the bestest of sisfurs!
headbonks and purrs to each of the lovely big piney woods ladies!
nels and nitro
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