Max said the following in our comments, and we feel it is important for all to read.
"Buddah and I have been discussing this, because he's wanted to know about angels and such...I think angels come in all forms, and PK (she's gonna be PK to me, even if she is a Flower...) had angels in kitten form. She was obviously not feral and really needed a People, and her kittens made sure she got a People."
Max, thank you for this. Momma feels the same way about things. No, she sure wasn't feral, she was very tame and sweet. Momma is so glad she is the People, Precious Kitty found.

Tonimom, I think that YOU are an angel!
wow, Max. that is so deep. we think you're right.
I think Max is right too. Things happen for a reason and she was probably meant for you. The kittens were just waiting until you took her and then they knew she was in good hands.
Definitely makes sense. You seem so happy with her and I think that there's always someone watching out for us to make sure we're with the ones we're meant to be with. We found our Mom and Dad when it was the right time for them too. An then we met all of you and that's the bestest thing.
The kittens knew they were stronger than their mom and were probably staying to watch after her. Once their momma was taken care of they could go scamper off to catch their mice & birds to eat and find homes of their own. PK was probably even too weak after birth & nursing kitties to even hunt a decent meal. Kitten angels.
Scuse me if it's o.k. for me to comment too, even if I don't hav a blog. I think that Scooby Shaggy and Scout iz just purrfectly right - those babies were just waitin' for Auntie Toni to come along and rescue their mummycat, and now they know she's safe and happy, they can be happy too. Makes a lotta sense.
We agree wif efurryone else - there are angels all around us, even kitten angles. They saved their mommy's life.
We've been thinking about this. We agree with everyone else. The angels took the form of kitties because they knew you'd help. They are off on other business now.
We forgot when your surgery is, but we are praying every night.
Tilly, Toby and the Mum
Yup, some Cats really do need people more than others. I'm thinking of Junior, the One Who Came Before Me. Mom and Dad tamed him, but he survived a long time on his own. He was thin, but not starving. He was shy, but not wild. He was a good hunter. Precious needed you and found the home she was meant to have. Purrs to you CalicoMom Toni
We fink Max is right, those kittens reely must haf been angels watching ofurr Precious until yoo came to rescue her
Max is a furry wise kittie. Those kitties brought Precious to you and have now found their own way in life.
I must agree with Max also. Those kittens knew what they were doing, that you would rescue their Momma. And that you and their Momma were meant to be together. Smart little kittens.
we agree a squillion purr-cent!
Efurryone finks that this was meant to be. Precious needed to find you and her kittens helped to make it happen. We have to accept that some finks are fate.
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