Thursday, May 23, 2013

Farewell Sweet Mittens

I helped sweet little Mittens Pollypaws to the bridge at 4:25 today.  She was 18 years old.  

She was diagnosed with stomach cancer 3 1/2 years ago and given 3 months to live.  The past few years she has spent on her bed, never leaving it except to use her litter box (which was right beside her) or to eat or drink (also right beside her.)  She had trouble walking and her tummy hurt her so she always laid on her side.  I told my husband when she quites eating I know it is time.  She hasn't touched any food for 3 days, the vet said I made the right decision.  She joins her sisters, Patches and Mistrie Rose at the Bridge.

I adopted her from our shelter when she was 6.  She traveled south with us for 3 years, staying in a condo and enjoying watching the palm trees sway and the birdies play.

She was a polydactyl (extra toes) thus the name Mittens Pollypaws.  Her nicknames were Walrus Whiskers, Big Girl, and Toes. 

She will foever ramain in my heart, such a gentle soul.  She gave me head butts and purrs right up to the time I put her in the carrier.

Seems a horrible year for me.  I lost my husband 3 weeks ago and this is the second cat I have sent to the bridge since March.  Below her photo is a poem I wrote for her years ago when I thought I was going to loose her.  I feel blessed I had her as long as I did. 

Fly free sweet angel Mittens
The fairies gave you wings
Rainbow Bridge is calling
I hear the angels sing
Fly free sweet angel Mittens
I know you cannot stay
My heart is truly breaking
On this, the saddest day
Fly free sweet angel Mittens
The hurt, the pain are gone
Once more you can run and play
For now your bodies strong
Farewell, sweet angel Mittens
Yes, I will miss you so
 I know you are in a better place
And I must let you go.
Love, Momma Toni


The Florida Furkids said...

We're so sorry to hear that Mittens has gone to the Bridge. We're sending you soft, healing purrs and prayers.

The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about Mittens Pollypaws having to go to the Bridge. That was a beautiful poem that you wrote for her, Toni. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Jans Funny Farm said...

So very sorry Mittens' time arrived. But happy you had so many years with her before she had to join her sisters. This has been a hard year for you. {{{hugs}}}, purrs and pawtaps

The Meezers or Billy said...

Oh Mittens, we are so sorry you are gone. You were one of our very ferst furriends and you were Gramma Trixie's bestest furriend. We know that she was happy to finally meet you at the Bridge, and that she was there with Miss Patches and Mistrie Rose to greet you. We are lighting a candle for you tonight and will softly sing for you. We won't say good bye, just... until we meet at the Bridge.

Sue said...

I'm so sorry she had to leave you. I hope my sweet Saffron was waiting to greet Mittens - it's so hard to lose our furry friends.

You've had a very rough time, Toni - my heart goes out to you.

Mo and The Purries said...

Sending love & PURRS from all of us at Purrchance To Dream and The Cat Blogosphere.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are so sorry about Mittens. She was quite a fixture in the blogosphere for many years. Our thoughts to you during this difficult time with all your losses.

Max said...

My heart is shattered for you. This just doesn't seem fair, not at all :(

George The Duck and the HotMBC Kittehs said...

That's such a sweet tribute for Mittens. Our eyes are leaking. All us Hotties will come purr with you and we send you lots of love.

Just Ducky said...

Purrs from your Smiley Boy. Although it is hard to smile through the tears. We will remember her fondly.

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are all so very sad for you, but we know that Mittens is pain free now and with all her friends and family that have gone before.

The poem you wrote for her is beautiful.

cats of wildcat woods said...

Oh dear..this is so very sad to hear that you have lost Mittens. I guess to have had her so long after her diagnosis was a gift. Sending comforting purrs to you and surrounding you in love and light. This has been a very hard year for you Toni. My thoughts are with you.

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Oh, so sorry that Mittens went to the Bridge......Sending the strongest healing purrs to you now.....

Purrrrrrrrrrrrs, China Cat

momsbusy said...

our hearts are hurting for you and your family. we will be sending purrs and prayers each day to comfort your heart and soul.

momsbusy, kintaro & tt
of kazoku neko

Cathy Keisha said...

She was beautiful. Comforting purrz.


We are so terribly sad to hear that Mittens left for the Bridge. Our hearts ache and break for you. So much loss in such a short span, I know you must wonder how far your heart must stretch. We are praying for you and we will keep you in our thoughts and hearts.

6 cats from Singapore said...

God bless you,purrs and prays for you.

Jay boy
Danny boy from Singapore

Cat said...

So sad that Mittens has gone to the bridge, sending love and hugs to you.

Forty Paws said...

What a horrible few months for you. We are so sad that Mittens has gone, but she lived a very long time with stomach cancer. Many hugs and purrs and purrayers and headbutts to you during this difficult time.

Luf, Us and Maw

Motor Home Cats said...

Miss Toni, we are so, so sorry. We loved Miss Mittens, and are sad to see her go. We know she's happy at the bridge, but we hurt for you because we know how much you'll miss her.

Cody and Gracie

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

So sorry. There has been so much loss for you this year. Thank you for loving Mittens so much and giving her a wonderful life.
Love Jan, with purrs from Milo and Alfie xx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am so sorry that it was time to help Mittens to the Bridge but now she can run pain free and healthy with her sisters. My purrs of condolence to you and hugs from my mum.

ZOOLATRY said...

Toni ... our hearts are with you.
Love, Ann

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are so sorry Mittens had to leave but it was the kindest deed to give her freedom from pain. She will be watching you from Rainbow Bridge and if you feel a whisper of breeze on your cheek it will have been sent by her to help comfort you.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry for all of the immense losses you've sustained this past year. Losing your husband and then your sweet kitties must be literally breaking your heart.

Marg said...

We are so sorry about Mittens. And it sounds like you have had such a rough time lately. We send you tons of huge hugs and some mighty big purrs. Hope your life gets a little better for you.

Katie Isabella said...

I Am grieved to read that our baby had to fly away to the Bridge. She had a wonderful and loved life with you and that made her life good. You are a good mama to all of them.

This has indeed been a horrible time for you. So many things all at once. We are all here for you and each of us send our love, understanding and support.

Your poem for her gave mom leaky eyes. So beautiful.


Random Felines said...

We are so sorry Mittens ran for the Bridge - we know she was well met. It doesn't matter the circumstances or the timing - losing them never gets any easier. Purrs....

Unknown said...

Our prayers are with you as you mourn the loss of your sweet Mittens.

God bless,
Peanut & Jody

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Mittens. I know she left behind so many good memories that you can always keep safe in your heart.

Everycat said...

We are so sorry to learn that Mittens has gone to The Bridge, We know this has been an especially awful time for you and we are sending large rumbly purrs and much love to you. You gave Mittens a wonderful, long life full of love. You help so many cats Toni, you are truly a special person.

Gerry, Mungo & The Ape xx

Fuzzy Tales said...

We, too, are adding our purrs of condolence. We wish we had words of comfort, but of course there aren't any that really can help at this time. Just please know that you're in our thoughts and purrayers and that we wish you peace in your heart.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Charmee and I are terribly sorry for your loss of Miss Mittens.
Our purrs and purrayers
Jessica & Charmee

Team Tabby said...

So sorry to hear this, our thoughts are with you at this sad time.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Toni, I'm so sorry to hear of Mittens' passing. What is so touching when this happens is the beautiful poetry coming from the heart, even tho it's breaking. We think your words to Mittens are just perfect and would help anyone who has to let their little loved one leave for the Bridge.

Take good care and know we're thinking of you,

Mom Julie, Tom, Tinker, Anastasia and our Mittens (a boy kitty) xx

Shaggy and Scout said...

Toni dear friend,
Prayers to you. Mittens and Patches and Mystrie all were such gorgeous girls. I'll never forget the Nap-a-Thon they hosted, the first in the blogosphere and first for the groud breaking "teleporting" that allows all our kitties to see & be with one another in good times and bad. Shaggy would like to teleport over to give you cuddles purrs. He will appear in the closet momentarily.
"Transpatch me to Porches closet"...wait, thats the wrong one...Transport me to Patches closet" (The things that stick in my feeble mind after all these years!!) Hugs Toni, I wish I could be there for you in person, but know you remain in my thoughts and heart. Lynne

da tabbies o trout towne said...

expressing our sincerest sympathies to you on your loss of mittens; she is a beautiful girl. with hugs and purrayers from all of uz

Kimberly P said...

We are so very sorry for all of your losses, I can't imagine how hard it has been. We're praying for you Toni.
Hugs, purrs & prayers from Gabby, Mama Kim, Daddy Greg & baby Samuel

Marilynn said...

What a difficult time to have to make such a sad decision. {{{{hugs}}}} to you.


Marilynn, Grace & Company

JC said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

I also have a mitten cat.
They are a special type.
Mine is very very friendly.
Was a rescue feral too.

You mentioned you also lost your h.
I can't even imagine.

May your days become only good membories. Time will heal your soul. It will. Til then, may the sun heal your tears.

JC and The Purr and Fur Gang

A few Good Cats said...

We are so sorry to hear this sad news. You have gone through so much in the past few weeks. Mittens had a good life with you, and you will always have the happy memories. We send comforting vibes and purrayers for your loss.

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I are so sorry to hear about dear sweet Mittens. We send you many purrs and lots of hugs.

meowmeowmans said...

We are so sorry to hear it was time for Mittens to leave you. Thank you for making the brave and loving decision you did. We are sending an abundance of purrs and prayers, and big hugs.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are sending our biggest and bestest purrs and hugs to you all!

Karen Jo said...

I am so very sorry that you had to help Mittens to the Rainbow Bridge. You have had an absolutely horrible last few months. You poem to Mittens is lovely. My kitties send comforting purrs and I send you all my love and hugs.

Old Kitty said...

We are so sorry to read about angel Mittens. Your poem is just lovely and very very sad. We send you many many hugs and purrs. Take care

TimberLove said...

Soft husky woooos, praying for peace for wooos in this hardest of times,

RA, Isis & Nanük

The Crew said...

Oh my, we are so sorry for all your recent losses. 18 is a long life for a cat and we know Mittens had the best forever home possible. We know you'll miss her terribly.

The Crew & Crew's Mom

caspersmom said...

So sorry to hear about sweet Mittins. She had a great forever home. What a great poem you wrote for her. Sweet Mittins will live on in your heart. Hugs, purrs and prayers for you Toni.

Cleo and Mom

Poppy Q said...

So sorry for the loss of your sweet girl Mittens. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

Julie and Poppy Q

Ikaika said...

We are so sorry for your loss, Mom Toni, and send you gentle purrs and headbumps. The human sends warm light and healing energy.

Run free at the Bridge, lovely Mittens ...

'Kaika and the Yosemite cats

Timmy Tomcat said...

Very sorry for this loss. We miss our dear furs so much when they have to go. And we are praying support for you so there are better days coming
Timmy Dad and Family

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Leigh said...

Aw, I'm so sorry that all your sweet girls that I remember from my cat blogging days are gone. (I used to blog as Rascal,Welcome to Rascal's World). It's so sad to lose them. Hugs and purrs to you.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

OMG, Toni, I saw above that we had already offered our condolences at such sad news, not realizing that we would have grief of our own just over a month later when we lost Tom. All we can do is give them as much love as we can while they're in our care. I just wish we could put a stop to one kitty leaving right after another. Our hearts just can't take it..xx

Mom Julie

Kate said...

Oh,such sorrow! Our hearts are breaking over this. You will be in our thoughts and prayers and we will light a candle in honor of the departed.

The Lee County Clowder said...

Hi. Happy Gotcha Day, Precious. We hope you and all the rest of your group are still hanging in there.

Karen Jo said...

I just came by to see how you are and to wish Precious Happy Gotcha Day.

Pearl said...

she's a beauty.

hope you're doing okay there.

Maggie May said...

Thanks so much for your purrs for Maggie May. We hope to have a happy update tomorrow night!

Maggie May said...

Thanks so much for your purrs for Maggie May. We hope to have a happy update tomorrow night!

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