Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I have to help Momma in the morning get ready. She puts beige cream on her face and then some pink stuff on her cheeks. She puts black stuff on her eye lashes and sprays stinky stuff on her fur. She is always telling me what a great job I do putting on my eyeliner; I think that is why she likes it when I help her. I am good about helping, that is the kind of girl I am.

I am getting more patient with the little monster. Daddy got mad at me when I bopped her too hard on the head, but she had it coming. I really like her and she has helped with my depression over lossing Miss Patches (I hid upstairs all the time, but now I am out and about.) Momma didn't know us cats get depressed, jut like people, when they loose somecat they love. But, I am all happy again.

Precious Flower


A few Good Cats said...

We are glad you are feeling better again, Precious one. We cats have to feel sorry for humans when they put all kinds of stuff on their faces and still are not as attractive as a cat! ;-)

Egypt & The Musketeers said...

We're glad you're happy again, and that you're getting to like the little one.

The Meezers or Billy said...

you are a wonderful helper Precious!

Grampa Norton gotted furry depressed when Ralphie went to the Bridge - for 18 whole months until I gotted lost he finded me in the garden! Then Gramma Trixie gotted furry depressed when Grampa Norton went to the Bridge - they had nefur efur been apart in 18 years. We is glad that you're not depressed anymore! - Sammy

Hi to our bestest furriends!!!

Katnip Lounge said...

We are glad you are feeling happier! Our Kona was very sad when Dusty ran over the Bridge; they were best buds and she was mopey for quite a while. That new bratty kitten tot will keep you on your toes, that's for sure!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Precious I am so glad that you are finding someone else to love. Sometimes it is nice to make new friends, but sometimes they are annoying.


We are glad to see you out and about and to hear the Miracle 4Paws is helping to heal your heart.

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

Athena said...

Oh Precious
I am so glad you are feeling better. My brofur told me that it is sad when somecat you love goes to the Bridge, but that another cat can make you feel better. I am glad that Miracle 4Paws is helping you.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

That is good that ya help Mom get ready in the morning. They DO take some werk, dont they? An we are glad ya are feelin a little better...

Just Ducky said...

We are glad you are feeling happier with Miracle around. It takes time to adjust with a new one in the house.

Motor Home Cats said...

Precious, you are a great helper. Mom knows how hard it can hit us cats when we lose a friend. Her first cat Toby, got so depressed when he lost his littermate when they were 19 that he gave up living, and she thinks that is why Tavi got so sick, so quickly after losing Camie. We are glad that Miracle has helped you.

Cody and Gracie

World of Animals, Inc said...

Precious, you are just a wonderful snooperviser and really take your job seriously. We hope that you are always there to help your mom out in the morning. Thanks for the share. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
World of Animals