Me loves to play, play, play. I think Precious is starting to like me. She doesn't hiss anymore and she actually played tosies with me today. I am the best jumper, Momma says I have jumping beans in my feets. She says I am spring loaded. She also kisses on me, wayyyyy too much!!
Miracle 4Paws
Everyone and everycat will come to love you, little Miracle. The ones who don't love you just don't know you yet!
You're a cutie pie little girl!
Jump jump jump! Run run run!
It would be hard not to give you lots of kisses.
You are so sweet.
Nothing wrong with playing ALL day!
It's good to be a kitten.
Playing is very fun!
oh, I bet you are a wonderful jumper!
Miracle, just get used to the kisses, they won't ever stop. That is a good thing.
I am a good jumper too.
Miracle, how could Precious not like you??
Miracle, wI am sure Precious will be playing with you soon. She is just a little uncertain right now. So you just keep playin wif toys an stuff and she will get innerested in you.
Yes Miracle you found my spot where Smiley Boy lives. I think you will have more fun playing with Ducky! Not an older mancat like me.
Derby, AKA, Smiley Boy
you are getting cuter every day!
Of course she's gonna kiss on you....you're way too cute not too! You might as well get used to being kissed ALOT!
Come by and visit the Feline Family. We have a lot of cats and Lola, our smallest and youngest, would love your energy because she's like concentrated plutonium she's got so much energy!
hi little sweetie!!!!!
how are our bestest furriends?
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