Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Tribute To Patches

Miss Patches Lady
1997 - Nov. 19, 2010
Oh, dear Patches, where do I begin? I guess it was when you came walking up our driveway after being abandoned by your previous owners. You were an "in charge" cat, even then. You told me, "I am here to stay, like it or not." And.......we loved it. You always were a Daddy's girl and preferred his lap. Funny how, when he was holding you and I came in the door, you would get down, really quick, like I would be jealous.

You were finally diagnosed with Auto Immune Deficiency (Lupus) right before your final breaths. Three different vets and tons of blood work, all of them thought it was thyroid. It was the AID attacking your thyroid, like it was attacking the rest of your body. I am not going into the ravages this thing took on your little emancipated body and I don't blame anyone; AID is very rare in felines, leave it to you to get something rare, you were a rare find! You fought such a valiant fight, such a brave little calico girl.

We will miss you signature "mack mack" and your soothing purr. We had eleven wonderful years with you. Many memories, but one that stands out is when I was diagnosed with an eye condition (macular hole) that finally warranted surgery. I cam home crying, you were in the gold chair, and I saw a big tear in your eye! You were a compassionate soul, a well seasoned traveler (going to Laughlin Nv. with Mittens for three years and staying in condos) and went camping in the Idaho woods. The first time I put your leash on, you fell over and couldn't get up. So funny. You loved it outdoors so I would put you out on our upstairs deck; you never tried to climb down, which would have been easy for you. You would scare me when you jumped on the railing in our bedroom, it was a long way down. You knew when I accidentally left the closet door open that houses the pump (someplace you were forbidden to go) and I could here you opening the door. You tolerated Mittens and Precious and actually got to love them, in your own cat way. They miss you, too, you know.

Three nights ago you slept between us all night. Now, this was unheard of as you never did that. If you stayed on the bed it was at the foot, or next to Dad, and only stayed a short time. We know you were saying goodbye. I touched you many times that night, always received a soft chirp. I could go on forever........

This morning we took your little body, wrapped in a blue towel with two of your favorite toys, and we laid you to rest in the kitty cemetery in the Big Piney Woods. You join Itsy Bitsy, a two day old kitten I fostered but was taken from me in a few hours; his momma refused to nurse him. There is a tile with a butterfly on it, on your grave and a candle is burning.

This closes another chapter in our life. I hope someday,the pain won't be so raw, the hurt so deep, and I can remember you with a smile, not with all these tears. Thank goodness for all the photos I have, The Big Piney Woods blog, and the website I made called "The Calico Girls" that I kept a copy of. (no longer online) You will always be a part of our lives, in our hearts you reside. Your pain is over and ours has just begun.

Love and kisses to you, lovely girl, RIP.
Momma Toni, Daddy, Ron, Mittens, Mistrie, Precious Flower


Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Oh Patches we will miss yoo down heer. We is glad yoo is free and no pains at the Bridge, that no pains part we likes.
We will give lotsa loves n purrs to yore fambly for their sads. Gree sez she will stay wif them long as they needs.

Luv n purrrrrrrrrrrrrs,
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Pepi and Gree

Parker said...

There are no words for this type of sorrow. We have just lit a candle for Patches - please know you are in our thoughts and our prayers.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I know you will be hurting so much. Sending love and purrs. HUgs GJ x

ZOOLATRY said...

Many purrs go with you, so you shall not travel alone. Prayers for your loving family.
The Zoolatry Girls,
Maggy and Zoey, and Ann

Sue and Saffron said...

It's true, Miss Patches Lady won't be making that journey alone. She was too well loved, by so many kitties, so will have companions every step of the way.

We will miss you so very much - you (with Mittens) were the first kitties we met when we finally joined the internet some 10 years ago. As Toni knows, I loved you as if you were my own.

My heart aches for Toni and Ronnie, the pain is so raw just now but in time I hope you can look back on many wonderful times with your special girl.

Purrs and much love.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are so sad and sorry for the loss of your beautiful, sweet Patches. You are in our thoughts and prayers. (((HUGS)))

Kea said...

Lots of (((hugs))) and Light from us at Fuzzy Tales....we're so sorry.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We just heard about your loss, and although we have not visited you before, we do know what it is like to lose a beloved friend. Please accept our deepest sympathy over the loss of Patches. The joy she brought you will be with you always.

From The Poupounette Gang
in France

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I are so very sorry to hear about your sweet Patches. We send you purrs, hugs and love.

David E. Francis said...

I'm sorry to learn that Miss Patches has went to the Bridge. She will be sorely missed. It hurts to lose such a good friend; but, it is also comforting to know that she is no longer suffering. In time, the memories you shared together will be comforting.


Marilynn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AFSS said...

We are so sorry Patches has gone to the rainbow bridge. You have our deepest sympathy. The Mom has lit a candle for her. ~AFSS & Alasandra

Marilynn said...

Our hearts are breaking. We don't post many comments (I suppose we should, huh?), but we have loved following Miss Patches on this blog. She's beautiful.

As I said on CB yesterday, Anne and I have lost many kitties over time -- and it never gets easier. ;-(

Love, Anne, Marilynn, Grace & Company

Percy the Cat said...

Sending hugs and purrs, we are so sorry for your loss. :(

Baby Patches said...

To Patches momma: We is so sorry for your loss. Momma knows your pain all to well and she has lost a Patches cat once before too. Sending your many hugs and purrrrrrrrrrrrrs and hopes you will hold your lovely memories close to your heart, the love will never go away. Such a lovely tribute to your Patches.

Baby Patches and her momma

Maggie May said...

*tears* Beautiful Patches reminds us so much of our Maggie May. They seemed to have the same tortitude and take charge attitude. Patches was a gorgeous girl and had such a wonderful and full like with you. She was so lucky to have found such a wonderful forever home after being abandoned. Please know you are in our thoughts and purrs during this very sad time. (((HUGS)))
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We will miss you sweet Patches!

Big Piney Woods Family~~we are so very sorry for your loss. This is a wonderful tribute to patches, and we have learned some new things about her today.

We are seind out lots of purrs and prayers for all of you at this sorrowful time.

Junior, Orion and Mewom

Max said...

That was awesome. Now excuse me, I gots something in my eye...

Cory said...

Sending you healing purrs as Patches crosses over to The Bridge. She was very loved and found the purrfect home when she found you.

The Florida Furkids said...

Beautiful tribue to a beautiful LadyCat.


The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Asta said...

Deew Patches
Mommi and I awe shedding many teaws fow youw family who awe in such gweat pain haveing to say fawewell fow now..I'm so glad you wewe so loved and tweasoowed and I know that is what you took wif you ovew the bwidge.
You wewe a bootiful and wondewful kitty and gave so much joy to youw fwiends and family..
you will be gweatly missed..I hope to see you someday ovew the bwidge, in the meantime west well my sweet
love and smoochie kisses
ASTA and mommi

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a lovely tribute to the beautiful Patches. Purrs and tail wags.

Anonymous said...

Hello Patches' momma. My name is Mayzie and we've never met but a furend of mind told me abouts your beautiful Patches having to go to the Bridge. This was a Most Lovely tribute to an oh-so-special girl. I can tell that she loved and was loved greatly. And that's the most any of us can ever hope for.

I hopes one day soon your memories of dear Patches will bring you smiles instead of tears.

Gentle wiggles and wags,

The Royals and Gentleman Beau said...

Such a loving and heartfelt tribute to Beautiful and Beloved Patches. This brought tears to Our eyes, and caused a great need to find a Royal to caress and love.

We have helped our share of many critters to The Bridge, and while the hole in Our heart remains, We are at peace knowing Our Furry Babes are free of pain and the darkness being Earthbound can - and does - bring.

Please know you will always have Our Love and do share deeply in your loss.

Blessings and Peace,
Rose and the Royals

8GR8LOLCATS said...

We are so sorry for your loss... Such a loFURly tribute to your beautiful girl. Our kitty friends get old and ill and when it is clear that they are suffering it is the last act of kindness we as PURRsons can do for them. Big hugs from our kitty family to yours.

Chesney Cats said...

What a wonderful tribute to your precious baby. We are so very sorry for your loss. You are in our hearts & purrayers.

Marg said...

That sure is a lovely tribute to your beautiful cat. We are so sorry for you loss and we understand how it is to lose one. We just lost one ourselves. So lots of purrs and hugs coming your way. Take care.

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

An absolutely beautiful tribute to an absolutely beautiful girl ... I have tears running down my face after reading this. It has been a long time since I had to send my Max to the Bridge, and I know how much it hurts, even though it is the best thing to do. Please know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Many, many hugs,
Momma Jan, Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Martin Hooper said...

I have only just "met" her and I am so sorry for her loss...

She looked a lovely cat and Im sure she was from this post. I know how it feels to lose a pet cat - My Sooty is still much missed even after 2+ years since his passing so I can understand...

Maxmom said...

I'm popping by from Zoolatry...
I am really so, so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful, amazing kitty! Although it's so raw at the moment, you have some wonderful much love pours out of your tribute.
My thoughts and prayers are stretching across the ocean to you this day.
Sending lotsaluv

A few Good Cats said...

Patches lived well and was well-loved. We are sorry she was taken so soon. You know that a great many cats and their humans care and send purrs and comforting vibes to all of you.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

this is such a beautiful, beautiful post...I am so deeply sorry.
I do not think that I knew Patches but after reading your most beautiful memorial I feel as if I did.
I am so deeply sorry for your loss....
Caren from Cat Chat

Mo and The Purries said...

My condolences on your loss,

PURRS from the Purries of
Purrchance To Dream

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We are pretty sure that Missie PrinniePrincess was there with her paw out to take Missie Patches into loving arms.
Missie Patches is safe now.
We will purr for all of you this week-end. So many good memories and she was the luckiest kittygirl to have a loving and comfortable home!
bonks and purrs from me and Miles too
All of you are loved so much!

Rusty's Mom said...

Having just lost my beautiful Rusty two weeks ago, I know exactly how you feel. Your head tells you it's time to help them to the Bridge yet your heart cries and breaks. Healing hugs to you for I am crying again now. I know you loved Patches and always wanted the best for her.

Rusty's Mom

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Miss Patches - how can I efur forget when you and Mittens teached me the Hokey Pokey by putting dots on mine paws so that I coukd know left from right. We loved you so Miss Patches and we are heartbroken that you are gone.

But someday we will meet and party wif you at the Bridge. Please say Hi to Gramma Trixie and Grampa Norton - we knows that they were waiting for you

GLOGIRLY said...

We are so very very sorry for your loss. Your words are a beautiful testament to the love we all have for these beautiful animals. This is the hard part for you, but you, just like Patches, are not alone.

((((huge hugs and purrs)))

Glogirly & Katie

The Furry Bambinos said...

We are so very sorry. You gave Miss Patches a wonderful life here on earth. May your memories and photos comfort you during this difficult time.

Purrs and Hugs,
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel

The Island Cats said...

What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful cat! We share your tears. We know how much it hurts...and we send you comforting purrs to try to help ease your pain...

Stella said...

We didn't know Patches, but after seeing his picture and reading your wonderful words, we feel as though we have lost a friend. What a beautiful kitty!

Hugs to you,

Jo, Stella and Ali Z

MurphyDog said...

we've been sent over by the Zoolatry girls to give bigs hugs. So so sorry for your loss, Patches was a beautful girl. Your tribute to her was absolutely beautiful.

wags, wiggles & slobbers

Keiko said...

That was such a beautiful tribute to a beautiful calico girl who was so special and loved so much. We didn't know Patches but we know that you were one of the original bloggers and we thank you for making the CB so special. We hope that you've settled in comfortably at the Bridge - we know you'll watch over your family from there. How nice that you have a resting place in your home...
We are purring for your family...
Purrrs from Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji

Nikita Cat said...

Hugs, and purrs, and our deep condolenses to you, and yours, at this sad moment.

I have written some songs that might be of comfort right now, if you care to read them...

There are 2 Hymns for Cats, just follow the links...

Nikita Cat

and Elvira Mistress of Pussydom, and Daddy Kiril, too!

Jack & Moo said...

We woo sadly for your loss. Miss Patches, we know woo were greeted with loving open paws when woo crossed theRB, joining so may of our loved ones there. We'll send a prayer and ask our own ChowChow to watch out fur you, he's been there long enough now to know his way around,and he is a good and kind kitty. Look in on your humans, they need to know woo are alright.

jack & moo

Old Kitty said...

Me and my cat Charlie are here for you - we are very very very sorry to hear about sweet beautiful Patches - we are sending you our purrs and hugs.

Take care

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

A beautiful tribute to Miss Patches.
Little lady, you will be so missed.
The CB will not be the same without you.
Love & Purrs,
The Sherwood Bunch:
Missy Blue Eyes, KC, Faith Boomerang, Sol, Smokey, Brutus Jr, and Mom ML

Angus Mhor said...

I'm so sorry your dear girl has gone to the bridge, my piney woods friends. I send you my deepest heartfelt purrs and big, ol' wonky-pawed hugs.

Your friend,

Angus Mhor

Poppy Q said...

What a beautiful post about your sweet girl, we know she had a wonderful eleven years with you all and will be waiting at the bridge.

Hugs to you all

Julie and Poppy Q

Mickey's Musings said...

We are so very sorry to hear that Patches has gone to the Bridge.
She was a beautiful kitty and we know she loved very much. Our eyes are leaky too.
We wish we could take away your pain,but as we cannot, we will send BIG comforting purrs.

Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

cats of wildcat woods said...

Lovely tribute to Patches - we know she is watching over all of you as a angle above and waiting for you. In time your heart will hurt less and until then sending purrs to you all.

CCL Wendy said...

We are so deeply sorry for your loss. Patches was a gorgeous girl, and had quite the personality, too, from what you've said.

It sounds like you gave her a wonderful life after she was abandoned, and the love between you will never die.

We're sure Patches is just fine over on the Rainbow Bridge, but it's you, her family, that is left to miss her. Just close your eyes and you'll see her if you try.

Scout and Freyja said...

There are no words to give to you to ease the pain in your ♥. Please know that you are not alone and that others care about you.

momsbusy said...

patches will be greatly missed in the CB. we enjoyed the stories of her and the other kitties. she was as unique as her markings.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye sweet patches!

Kat's Kats said...

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde's Mom can't say much because this sounds so much like the way Samantha behaved when we had to make the heart-breaking decision to help her to the bridge (allergies kept getting worse & worse).

May the memories of love outweigh the grief of loss soon. Purrs & prayers.

Ellen Whyte said...

Oh how awful. We're so sorry. Patches looks and sounds like such a nice kitty. Purrs to you and your family.

SuziQCat said...

So Sorry to hear about Patches...that was a beautiful tribute to her. She may be gone, but she will never be forgotten. Comforting purrs are sent to you today.

Sweet Purrfections said...

What a beautiful tribute to Patches. I am so sorry to hear that she went to the bridge.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so sorry to hear about poor sweet Patches. You gave her such a beautiful and loving tribute - we feel as though we knew and loved her ourselves. Our deepest sympathy on your loss and lots of hugs from all of us.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a beautiful tribute to Patches Lady. Words won't mend the terrible ache in your heart, but in time all your wonderful memories of her will help dull the ache. You are in our thoughts.

Jacqueline said...

I am new to your site, but I understand your sorrow well and wanted to extend my condolances on the loss of your beautiful Patches...Love is an energy that never dies and she will be with you forever in that regard...Wishing you all comfort at this sad time in your lives; in my experience, your other animal babies will grieve as well and I hope you will find comfort with each other...Take care...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

...a butterfly and a candle flame...for so lovely a cat, so trusted a friend. Our hearts ache for your loss, but what a lovely tribute you gave to her, and to all of us. Thank you...

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am so very sad with you. This was such a beautious tribute.
There is never a time that is right - to say good bye. The bloggy world has their arms wrapped around you, right now.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh my goodness, what an awesome outpouring of love from so many! I can't thank you enough, it helps so much in dealing with this horrible tragedy. Hugs and purrs to all and thank you again.

Momma Toni
Daddy Ron
Mittens, Mistrie, Precious

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I came right over when I heard Patches Lasy had gone to the bridge. My heart is heavy as I type these words to you. She will be missed by so many. This was a beautiful tribute to her. You will be in my throught and purrs as you go through this hard time. Keep her close to you in your heart and thoughts. She will forever be with you in your memories.

Just Ducky said...

What a lovely and loving tribute to such a wonderful ladycat Patches. We will miss you too. Mum is all leaky eyed, gotta go purr on her.

Cherish your memories.

caspersmom said...

What a precious and pretty cat Miss Patches is. We are so sorry she has passed but she is at peace now and doesn't hurt anymore. So sorry she had to suffer so before her passing. What a beautiful memorium you did for her. Our hearts go out to you at this time, Purrs and Prayers for you in your time of grief. God Bless.

Casper and crew

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Such a lovely tribute to Patches. Our thoughts and purrs.


Calico Mom
This is a beautiful tribute to a beautiful calico kitty who enriched your lives so for 11 wonderful years. It is too soon to be able to rejoice in all the glorious moments because your heart has a Miss Patches sized hole at it's very center. Just know that Miss Patches was dearly loved by many and we all will miss her greatly. Our loss in no way can come close to the one in your heart but her memory will keep her alive in our hearts and minds.

soft sad purrs
Abby,Boo,Ping,Jinx,Grace & Mom Debra

A Message from Heaven
Speak not of death
for there is no such thing-
there is merely a parting of the ways.
I will walk on a little while
and wait
for you to count the sum of all your days.
And when you come
you'll find me waiting
with shining eyes
and silken well groomed fur.
You'll take me in your arms
just as you used to do
and angel choirs will be
drowned out by purrs.
~ By Helen Mack

Meowers from Missouri said...

miss patches, true ladycat, we lights a candle an' purrs (an' grrs) fur your journey to the bridge. you will meet so many old (an' new) furriends there!

may the blessins of peace an' sweet memory wrap close 'round yer fambly an' giff them back they joy they haff allus found in you. you will be missed, but nefur furgotten, dear patches.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We did nit know Patches, but know she was loved. This is a beautiful tribute to her. We understand your pain. We found sharing her memory and stories helped us through the grief. We are sending healing purrs to your family!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

We are terribly sorry for the loss of sweet Patches ... She will be missed in the blogosphere by all of us who knew her. Deepest condolences, purrs, and purrayers to your family.
DMM and the Feline Americans

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Your blog was one of the first that we read. We have grown to love your home in the woods and your beautiful cats. We love visiting you whenever you blog. We know you have been doing a lot of special work at the shelter. That's how big your heart is.
No one will replace Patches in your heart. She will be with you til the end of time. And someday you will all be reunited.
Our hearts here are heavy. We send you many blessings and hugs and purrs to help yours.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

The mom is leaking, she is sharing in the loss we finks. She does that, leaks when a CB furry moves on. But we keeps tellin her, acuz our furry bodies isn't dere doesnt mean we arent around. Soar high sweet Patches!

purrs and headbutts,


kristi said...

That was a beautiful tribute to Patches. You have me tearing up. I knew you and your girls from the Calico Girls and then the Big Piney Woods Cats. Altough I haven't left many comments (maybe one or two over the years), I have loved reading everything you and the girls had to say. Goodbye Patches. You were gorgeous and we all loved hearing about you. Thank you for sharing a piece of your life with us. Our lives are richer for having known you.

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

We're so sorry to hear this noos... I hope that our purrs and prayers can lighten the sadness in your heart from the loss of your beloved Patches

Cat said...

What a beautiful tribute to your girl, she was loved so well during her time with you!

I have added Patches to my blog page "friends at the bridge"

Karen said...

We are so sorry. But so happy she had a great life

Pixel, Samba and mom Karen

Quill and Greyson said...

We are so sorry to hear of your loss. Purrs and hugs to you during this difficult time.

meemsnyc said...

So sorry to hear about Patches. We are sending you hugs and purrs.

Samantha & Mom said...

Lots of hugs and purrs to you all!! What a wonderful tribute to her!! Till we meet again Miss Patches!!
(((((HUGSSSS))))))) from your TX furiends, and Chandra

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Willow and I were so sorry to just now find out that Miss Patches has gone to the Bridge. We are sending over soft purrs and prayers.

Purrrrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Sasha said...

I am sending lots of purrs on behalf of Lynettea and me. (she can't purr properly). purrrrrr purrrr purrrrrr purrrrr purrrrrrr purrrrrrr
We loved reading about Patches life. She must have been a very special kitty.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That was a wonderful tribute to Miss Patches. We all cried here just reading about her life and passing over the Bridge. We do know the depth of your pain and sorrow. We would ease it if we could

And we loved the butterfly tile she was buried under. The idea of a butterfly is wonnerful.

We have posted a picture of a butterfly just for her. We encourage evryone ta do the same...

Ayla, Iza, and TBT

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

What a beautiful calico.... you must be missing her terribly.

We am all purring fur you as u misses sweet Patches... Till you sees her agins,

Purrz and Prayerz
Katie Kitty Too
Bootsie Woo
Daisy May n Maxwell Tigger

And the Katiez Recrewed kitten katz
Toby, Sammi, Miri, Justin, Jordi n Jaspurr.

Cat Street Boyz said...

What a very beautiful picture and tribute to your dearly loved Patches. Purrz and prayers, the Cat Street Boyz, ICE & Holly

Angel Simba said...

So sorry for your loss of Patches. This is a lovely tribute to her sweet life.

Pumpkin said...

We are so sorry to heer that sweet Patches went to The Bridge. Soft purrs sent to Mom Toni and the rest of the fambly at this sad time.

Pumpkin, Tiger, Bebe, Sophie, Quincy the birdie, Benson the woofie

Anonymous said...

A beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. We're so sorry and we send lots of love and {{{hugs}}}.
Grr, Midnight & Cocoa
Rascal & Riley

Karen Jo said...

Toni, you wrote a wonderful tribute to Patches. I love the idea that she is buried under a butterfly tile. That seems so fitting for her. I wish I could do something to comfort you, but all I can do is send virtual hugs and Herman's purrs.

Anonymous said...

We is so sorry to hear about your loss of Patches. We is sending purrs and hugs to all.

Da Critters and Da Crazy Lady

Hannah and Lucy said...

We were sorry to hear that Patches had gone to the Bridge. We know you will miss her so much.
Luve and gentle head butts Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Ingrid said...

I know that no words can help you in your grief, only time heals the pain, but Patches will stay forever in your heart.
I know how you feel I had to say goodbye in February to little Lisa who shared our life for 19 years.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We are so sorry to hear about sweet Patches, she was a wonderful part of your family. Such a touching tribute.

Hugs and purrs of comfort from our woods,
Goldie, Shade and Banshee

Catio Tales said...

Huge huge purrs to you - we are so sad

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

What a beautiful remembrance tribute to a beautiful calico girl. We hope the joy you shared during Patches life will make the pain more bearable for you now.
Blessings to you all.

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

Sending snuggles and purrs to all that loved Patches. Often, the greatest gift we can give our feline family is the gift of release when the time comes.
(((all the mourn)))
Taz, Runt, Charles and mommy, Anna, in IL

Daily Dose of Dogs (aka Cats with your Coffee) said...

Unfortunately, as has happened so many times, I am meeting you for the first time because someone reading my blog was kind enough to let me know of your loss. Your tribute to your Patches is beautiful. I send you healing for the "raw" that truly will lessen over time. (But you already know that - it doesn't make it any easier right now.) Thank you for taking in Patches. She was SO lucky to have you, and you her.

lupie said...


We send our purrs to you at this very difficult time.

Daisy said...

What a beautiful tribute to Patches. We are keeping you in our thoughts and purrs, and I know Patches is looking over you. {{{hugs}}}

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Mommy & I are so sorry to her that Patches had to leave you. My angel sister,Samantha, loved kitty cats & Mommy bets she was at the bridge waiting to great her.

I'm a dachshund & I know we've never met by my dear friends at Zoolatry told me about Patcher's passing. Every year I do a serious of post called A-Z flowers with my dog and kitty friends. I would be honored to dedicate my "P" post with some gorgeous pictures of Parches from your blog with your persission. I'm doing my "I" post today, so if you would give this great honor I would be so pleased.

God Bless you all. Our thoughts & prayers are with you.

Mona & ther Mommy Sarah

House of the Discarded said...

I wish every cat could be loved like Patches. Thank you for caring so much and loving this sweet, quirky, gentle girl. :)

Beth @ House of the Discarded

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

We are so sorry for the loss of your beloved family member and our beloved and beautiful furriend.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Toni our hearts are breaking for you and Miss Patches. This was a lovely beautiful tribute to a dear dear friend. She had a warm and loving home with you out there in the Big Piney Woods and you were special to her as she was to you. Kindred spirits. And now hers is free.
Your sorrow is deep and raw but in time all the loving memories of her will lead you on.
Blessings love and (((hugs))) to all of you from SSS & mom.

Word Tosser said...

Sorry, is such a little word with big meaning.... wonderful post... not a dry eye here..

OKcats said...

This was a lovely tribute to sweet Patches Lady. I really admire you for not being upset that her diagnosis was missed. I'm just so very sad for you. I hope the other girls are all doing ok, and you'll be in my thoughts (and my girls' purrs).


lambj said...

Toni, that's a beautiful tribute. We cry for Patches again. She was the same age as Bonnie and it sounds like they were alike in other ways - running the house, preferring men, and so beautiful and proud. I can imagine how you feel right now; I wish I could say something to ease the pain. {{{hugs}}}

Ikaika said...

Toni, what a beautiful tribute to your much loved Patches. Our hearts are breaking and our eyes are leaking. We send you comforting thoughts and gentle purrs.

Run free at the Bridge, beautiful Patches ...

'Kaika and his mom

The Monkeys said...

We didn't know Patches but we can see she was a very well loved and beautiful girl. We send our purrs and condolences to you during this difficult time.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

We are so very sorry about Patches. You were one of the first blogs we read and we always enjoyed hearing her opinions. Such a pretty girl. Sending you many purrs.

Chester & Mickey said...

We all share in your pain. Our sissyfur, Luna, crossed over a few months ago and is there to help ease her crossing. I know our girls are in a better place waiting for our arrival.

formerly Petronious the Arbiter

Pip said...

We are very sad to hear of your loss. This is a wonderful tribute to your calico girl. We purrs for you and your little furries, that your grief will be short and your memories will be long.
TK, Squashies, TKMommy

Anonymous said...

What a lovely and touching tribute to a beautiful girl. Cod speed to The Bridge, sweet one. Cod speed.

~Tristan, Crikey and Angela

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Oh Toni, Miss Patches was one of our very first friends here in the Blogosphere. You taught us all about the new way to speak through our very special creatures, our furry friends. You brought Patches into our hearts and our memories. This is so sad for us, it's like a passing of a whole way of life. Such a beautiful lady cat and her passing was way too soon. Be comforted that she will live in your heart forever and she was here for the time that you needed her.
Hugs and kisses,
Brenda, Beau Beau and Angie

Otto and Henry said...

Momma Toni -

This is Oscar's Daddy. I want to thank you so much for the comment you left on his blog, and for the sympathy you shared at his passing. I know that you fully understand the grief that our household is going through. I read the Big Piney Woods Cats blog and learned all about Patches; she sounds like one of the most adorable and wonderful cats in the world; you were truly blessed to have her enter your life, and she was blessed to have you as her Momma. My heart goes out to you and your cat-household.

=^..^= said...

I am so sorry for your great loss. I have been following your blog since The Calico Girls days and fell in love with each and every one of your cats. Patches was a darling and she will be sorely missed by all of us. We too will remember her fondly as the feisty, sweet and sensitive beauty that she was.

Big hugs,
5-Cat Style

Luscious Lucy said...

Ohhh, we are SO sorry to hear about Patches. We did not know her before but we heard just today. We have now read back and see what a lovely, lovely girl she was, and SO loved. How wonderful that she had such a sweet and good mom for her life. We send our purrrsss and love licks to you and all fur babies there.

Angel Simba said...

Mom and I are sorry to read on Abby's blog that Mittens is not doing very well. My purrs and Mom's prayers for Mittens and you. You have had a lot of sadness with your kitties recently. We know it is very hard.