The meds the vet gave Mittens seem to be helping and she is very hungry! I am giving her things she shouldn't have (she has been on special food for years, due to constipation.) She is getting stinky goodness and I will continue as long as it doesn't upset her. She loves it, poor girl is so sick of the same thing. She was very vocal after I brought her home, telling me to feed her something good. She still is very vocal, talking and talking to me and following me around. I wish I could understand her!
Again, thanks to all of you........your support is phenomenal!
~CalicoMom Toni~
you go Mittens honey! We hopes you gets great stuff (and holler for HAM and ICE CREAM).
WE love our bestest furriends
Keep hollering for the good food Mittens! That is the best thing! Purrs to you.
Mittens, I have just read about what is going on with you. Keep on enjoying life Mittens, eat, purr, and be merry!
Food is good, an I's glad you're gettin to eat whatefur you want. Sammich ham is da bestest. An turkey. An beef. Haf sum stinky goodness (it's good AND stinky). An tuna. Whatefur you desire, luv.
Victor, Nina & Tabbymom Jen
I am very sorry to hear about your being sick. I hope you are not in any pain and living life to the fullest. I have been reading your blog for years and have always enjoyed it. My prayers for you and your family.
Oh Mittens, we just read the news. Make the most of your time left. Eat all the goodies you can and play and love your family tons!!!
Mom Toni-are purrs and thoughts are with you.
O, Sweet Mittens, ask fur ham.
Smokey loves ham.
We's all purring fur you an yours fambly.
Love & Purrs,
Oh Mittens, we just read the news. I am going to come over and bring you ham and chick-hen and a cheezburger. I'm so sorry you have a tumor :( *sniff* I will try to be cheerful when I visit though.
PS. The other Hotties are coming with me too but we will try not to overwhelm you.
Mittens, we think it's really nice that you get to eat whatever you want now...we're purring for you, sweetie!
Mittens, I am so sorry that your diagnosis was not good. But I am glad that you are happy and hungry and getting good foods. A shorter amount of extra good times is better than a real long bad time. I am purring for you!
Enjoy all your special treats Mittens! We are seding lots of purrs and prayers for you!
We's soo sorry that you's not feeling good Ms Mittens. But, enjoy all the yummies that yur gettin'!
~Meeko & Kiara
Hi Mittens, we just read about your diagnosis on the CB and wanted to stop in and give you purrs. We hope you have a great time eating lots of tasty treats. You remind us of our Maggie May. Love those Calico girls!!
We lots of brofur, Cal in March to a similar situation, so many many hugs to you and your family!
we are happy to hear that you are gonna get to eat anything you want. ask for the best!
mom toni, i will be keeping you and your family in my prayers.
We just read about Mittens on the Cat Blogosphere. Enjoy your yummy noms sweet girl.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Mittens we have not been able to stop thinking about you since your Mom shared the report from the Vet yesterday. We are so glad that you are enjoyin your stinky goodness and we hope it doesn't upset your tummy. We are purring for you and your sweet Mom...
Mittens, I am really sorry about your tumor, but make the best of the time you have left. Keep hollering for the really good stuff and following your Mom around. Get all the attention and loving you so richly deserve and don't be shy about it.
We just read dat yoo is not feeling so good Mittens we is furry sad about dat. If yoor feeling up to it we bet alla yoor frends would love to stop by fur cuddles and stuff, us included.
We are glad the meds have given you an appetite Mittens and we are glad too that you are getting your favourite Stinky Goodness. We are sending you our love and purrs.
Mittens, yoo gots our purrs goin fer ya. We hope yoos eats all da most wonderful stuffs in da world!
Glad to hear Mittens is doing better. At this point, let her eat whatever she wants!
We are glad to hear that Mittens can have what she wants but sad at the reason why.
We hope Mittens can have some wonderful quality time with you and eat as much stinky goodness as she wants. We are purring for her.
'Kaika and the Yosemite cats
Can't help but love Mittens, too. I'm so happy to hear that she is eating and feeling better.
Purr, purrr, purrr, purrrr. Oh Miss Mittens, I am not happy to find out that you have a tumor. I guess my purrer will be working over time for you.
Enjoy all the other goodies you get to eat now as well.
{{{Hugs}}} from mum to your mum and lots of scritches from her to all of the kitties of the Piney Woods.
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