Momma had a favorite kitty in the shelter. His name was India, a sleek black beauty with golden eyes. He was still a kitten, but in the three months she has been there, hadn't put on any weight and never played. She told the techs there was something wrong, and for a while they said, he was just "laid back." Momma knew better and would hold him, but he seemed so frail and wanted to cuddle the other kitties.
Yesterday, when Momma went to the shelter, everyone was sad, and they said little India had to go to Rainbow Bridge because he got terrible sick, he couldn't even stand up. He was suffering. Momma knows it is for the best, but she misses her black beauty.
~Patches Lady~
How sad. Even though the ones you see at the shelter aren't yours, they touch your heart and it is sad when they pass.
We're so sorry to hear about India...
Hugs to you ToniMom.
What a hard place to work.
How sad. We will remember India by purring and lighting a candle.
Hugs and strength to Calico Mom.
Your Momma is a good Momma. Purrrrrrrrrs.
I wish sad things never had to happen. Rest in peace, sweet India.
That is very sad. India will be healthy at the Bridge and will know your mum had special feelings for him.
We are sorry to hear about India and that your mom is so sad. It's hard to lose a loved furry one.
We are sorry to hear about India. We are glad that your Momma loved him during his short life. I am sure that that gave him much joy and comfort.
I'm glad your momma was there to keep him company and give him warmth and joy in his little life.
How sad that India went to The Bridge. Glad your mum gave him some love during his short life.
We are so very sorry to hear about India. We know he is playing and healthy at the bridge now. At least he had the love of your mama.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
How sad :( We are very sorry to hear about India. Mummy never likes to go to the shelter, she said it makes her sad.
Spice Cats
I am so sorry that India went to the Bridge, but I'm glad that your Mom was there to give him some love while he was here.
That's so sad. Purrs for India, and for your Momma.
::give MomToni a big hug and kissy:: - Me is so sorry that India hadded to go to the brige. At least you was able to give him love and comfort in his life.
purrrssss to you MomToni
I'm so sorry about India...I'm sure that your little black kitty is busy making biscuits for and sending purrs to you,his momma,
so that the sad memories will be
replaced by his love for you!!
You understood. We hope they listen to ya nex time!
I'm so sorry to hear about India. We try to not get too attached to shelter kitties while still giving them all the love they deserve, but it's never easy when one of them goes to the rainbow bridge.
I'm glad India got lots of love and cuddles from your mom before he went.
your Momma helped India so much by being there when he needed some love. give her a kiss for me and tell her not to be sad. for some kitties, the Bridge is a better place to be
We bet India got lots of luv while in da shelter. Purrrs.
Aw, I bet Chloe showed India around at the Bridge. Chloe likes other black cats specially.
Mistrie, we have MORE mousies in the attic. Do you want to come help me catch them? We just can't bring them to Mom on the bed. She didn't say anything about the office or the living room or the table, though.
your bestest friend Gree
Hello??? Patches, Mittens?? Precious and Mystrie??? Anycat or bean home???
It is March 16, where are you guys? Is your mum feeling poorly again?
Miss you. Smiley Boy.
Hi Piney Woods Cats!
I work at Pink Sneakers Productions and we are currently casting for a documentary series, titled “Life Chronicles,” on the TLC network. I was wondering how many cats you have and if you and your cats would be interested in participating in a documentary about cat lovers.
We are looking for individuals who have lots of cats in order to document the time, chaos and nurture that goes along with taking care of them. I would love it if you could get involved! Each episode in this series aims to document the day-to-day lives of people and their unique experiences with their cats. Our goal is to enlighten our viewers and try to get rid of the stigma that is attached to being a “crazy cat lady" and having a lot of cats. I think you could really help us get rid of this stereotype. If you are interested in this amazing opportunity please email us at casting@pinksneakers.net in order to communicate further. I hope to talk to you soon! Thanks!
Ashley Edgar
Oh man...if only they had listened and checked India out! Dang it!!!!
Rest in Peace India!
Dear India - no more pain now. FAZ
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