See what I mean? It is rude to smell of my furrs and she won't leave me alone! I was helping Momma make up the big sleeping place and she had to poke her nose into the fun.
Oh, Patches! That isn't polite! I hate to say it, but maybe Precious needs a good whap or three. Precious, you need to to be nice to the older ladies. You will be one of them someday.
Oh, Patches! That isn't polite! I hate to say it, but maybe Precious needs a good whap or three.
Precious, you need to to be nice to the older ladies. You will be one of them someday.
I hope this does not send Precious back to Solitary Confinement!
Heheh me likes to do dat to! ~Empress
oh Patches, we is so sorry you're being bothered!
hi to our bestest furriends
Awww brother own't leave me alone either!
A few whaps and back to solitary!
Whap him! Twice.
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