Hi efurrycat. I am just finishing shedding out my winter furrs and it is time to start growing my coat all ofurr again. Momma made me the nicest bed efurr in the woodshed. She used a board up on the top of the wood (3 rows back in, from the end) and then put a blanket and an old coat of my Daddy's that has fleece lining. Then Daddy stacked the wood around the front, so I am well hidden and protected. It is the best bed yet. Momma made steps with wood so I can get into it easy, and I can get into it from the other end, where the blue blanket is. She got some Revolution for me today, to keep the vermins away. She said there is a feeling of fall, but I like it cuz it is 70 and sunny. I also got some great Temptations from my best bud Gree. (In a purple package.) They are mine all mine, and Momma got me some more today. Gree sent me a heated bowl for outside! Now I don't have to worry the water will freeze. I have to go now, and play with the fairies.
~Mistrie Rose~
Mistrie, I'm so glad you got your temptations and your bowl. I'd like to come over and see your new bed sometime. I remember that stinky on the neck stuff from when I lived in the out. It sure smells bad. But vermin are itchy so I guess a little smelly is not so bad, huh?
your bestest friend Gree
Oh you are very lucky that things are so nice for you.
We even thought a week ago that it was starting to feel fallish around here--which is early here... sigh.
We're glad you're looking so well, mistrie. We think it's cool that you're an outdoor kitty with benefits ( warm beds and hidey holes, food and water). Enjoy the fall!
Fall has arrived in Minnesota, the sumac is changing to red and some tree leaves are already yellow & orange.
Those heated bowls are great for outdoor kitties, and what a bed maker mom is! Hope this winter isn't as harsh & snowy as last years.
No, please don't say winter is coming! It seems like the last one just left. I am glad that the Calico mom treats you so good to give you a nice bed.
Have fun playing with the fairies.
Hey shaggy and derby don't get worry about winter, it will be so fine in that climate for us to play.
Persian Cats and Kittens - Purrinlot Cattery
Wow, Mystrie, sounds like ya are all set fer the cold days comin! Fer bein a outside cat, we think you will do well. Yer bed seems cozy!
Enjoy the fall weather, and don't be afraid to use that warm bed when you need it. Mistrie, my sister Caitie must have read how nice you have it outside, and she went running off one day last week. Everyone was worried until she came home 12 hours later.
Sounds like you're all set for the cold there, Mistrie.
A little warning about that heated bowl, tho. We have one we use in snow time, and it WILL freeze, eventually, if it gets cold enough. Our bowl is heated from the bottom, so in really cold weather (below 0F) the Food Source will use warm water, and only fill the bowl about half full. Otherwise, we get an inch or so of ice on top of the water.
Also, you and your beans might have to be careful where you put your heated bowl. Once things start freezing, our bowl collects most of the possoms, raccoons, and birds in the area, and the birds and raccoons make a mess. Probably ain't much you can do about it, but just keep your beans on the ball. They might have to replace the water several times a day if your bowl gets a lot of visitors.
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