Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday's Photo For Contest

This past week we had two more big snows move through, for a total of 16 inches. The last few days have been 40 degrees and cloudy with showers. The snow is starting to melt. Forecast calls for more of the same. Momma added a weather thingy to our sidebar.

3 Daisy
7 Edsel
11 Egypt (Cat Crossings)
13 Meeko (Lone Star Purrs)
14 Boo (Debra)
15 Derby
16 Abby (Debra)
17 Kaze
18 Ping (Debra)
19 Tiki (Camie's Kitties)
20 Misty (The Crew)
21 Gracie (Debra)
22 Lux
23 Dino (Cat Crossings)
24 Jinx (Debra)
25 Kintaro (Momsbusy)
26 Tipper (The Crew)
27 Yuki (Momsbusy)
28 Sammy Meezer
29 Maxie (Cat Crossings)
30 Tuxie (Cat Crossings)
31 Max (the Crew)

1 George (The Crew)
2 Buddah
3 Kimiko (Momsbusy)
4 Miles Meezer
5 Orlando Bun
7 Pixel
10 Midnight (Cat Crossings)
12 Latte
13 Tavi (Camie's Kitties)
14 Cheysuli and Gemini
15 Skeeter
16 Scooby, Shaggy, Scout
17 Eric
18 The Tower Hills Mob
20 Sophia
21 Cody (Camie's Kitties)
22 Flynn
24 Chase
24 LC (double guess, Momma didn't catch it, so LC will be second place.)
25 Poppy Q
27 Max (Psychokitty)
28 Queen Snickers and Empress
29 Fiona Bun

1 Beezer
4 Kiara (Lone Star Purrs)
10 Ayla
10 Blackie (Blackie's blog isn't eligible for a prize, as it is a human, there is no cat. The following is a quote from his profile "I DO NOT OWN ANY CATS."
28 Muffin

1 Rascal


Gemini and Ichiro said...

At this rate, it looks like Beezer has the best chance...

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Way to much snow!!! We had a kinda warm weekend and alot of the snow in the valley melted! WOO HOO!! But we are supposed to have bad weather again.

I am glad you have found a good place to feed Winter.

Daisy said...

It is becoming apparent that, as a cat who lives in a very warm climate, I made a very silly guess.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Hmm Maybe we should have just guest Empress birthday instead of a month before it? ~Queen Snickers

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Wow, thats a lotta guesses! This will be fun...

Shohom67 said...
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Shohom67 said...
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Just Ducky said...

No warmer temps or rain here. Just more snow this week. ::sigh::

The Meezers or Billy said...

it's cold cold cold here. and snow tomorrow. yuck

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