Chey and Gemini suggest I become an interior design consulatant, after seeing how well I decorated the cabin. Patches says I am still too much of a baby to start my own consulting furrm. She is always so stuffy and telling me to be more grown up. I am going to ignore her. After all, I turned two today.
I have to go plan my strategies. For example, a name for my furrm, how much to charge (I think three temptations an hour would be fair,) and someplace to set up my off-us.
~Precious Flower~
Happy Birthday!!! I think you'll be a wonderful interior decorator. You could be "Precious Patterns" or something like that. I think 3 temptations is fair unless the house is really big...or has woofies in it...
happy birthday precious
Happy Birthday, Precious! I hope you get lots of birthday Temptations and maybe a new mousie or two!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Happy, happy birthday to my sweet Precious Flower!!
You have made your family and me so happy we are all glad that you are here.
Purrs and head butts (and a kiss)
---Your Beezie
Happy Purrfday to you
Happy Purrfday to you
Happy Purrfday sweet Precious
Happy Purrfday to you!!
Happy happy purrthday, Precious! Hope you get loads of treats!
Happy Birthday Precious!
This is a compliment when we say you sure are a lovely stocky little cat. We can see the Maine Coon in you!
Happy Birthday!!!! Oh what a great thing to start a business on your birthday. I bet you will be very successful! I like Mr. Hendrix's idea for your business!
Happy Purrthday Pecious and a squillion more.
Happy, happy, happy Birthday Precious! I think 3 Temptations per hour is a fair starting rate. But be sure to get paid Temptations and a half for overtime.
Happy Birthday Precious!!!! I hope you get lots of treats. If you want to be a designer then do it,You are not too young! That could be an advantage when designing for kittens ;)
Purrs Mickey
Happy Purrfday Precious! Yoo are getting to be one very precious lovely young lady.
Happy Purrfday Precious, and good luck wiv your bizzyness venchur.
Happy Purrthday to You! I don't think 3 Temptations is enough. don't sell your services too cheap, 'cause then they won't seem like they're worth much.
A very happy birthday to you from the topcatrules gang in Australia. :)
Birthday greetings, Little One. It was a happy day indeed when you joined your family.
Happy, Happy Purrthday, Precious! I think starting your own business is a wonderful idea, and if you need any help, you can call on me anytime. You could maybe name it "Feline Design" or "Precious Interiors"?
Happy birthday! I can't believe you're two already! It really doesn't seem that long!
Weawwy Pwecious? You're TWO! Happy purrthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Purrthday Precious. You can do anything you want, don't let anyone put your dreams down.
Happy Birthday Precious and Merry Merry Christmas to all the gang...
Headbonks, the Mitz and Mr. Cheddar
Happy Birthday Precious.I think you would make a great interior design consulatant :)
Happy Birthday Precious Flower! Have a wonderful year to come!
Happy belated birthday, Precious! Two is a great age!
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