Mittens checking out the new calendar. She found her picture and the rest of the Big Piney Woods Cats' pictures.
We are constantly amazed by the wondrous Cat Blogosphere website, and all that is done by Mom Robyn, and all the volunteer repurrters. We want to send out our special thanks to all of you for such a wonderful place, our own newspaper. So much good is done by all of you and we don't think you get the praise you all deserve. So, in no particular order, below is a big thank you to all the repurrters, from the Big Piney Woods!!!!
In honor of all the volunteers below, we would like to make this honorary Cat Blogosphere day! Please go to their site and give them special thanks, add a banner to your blog, or do some shopping.
Sophia, Diva Kitty
The Bad Kitty Cats
Emma's Cat
Grr, Midnight & Cocoa
Mr. Hendrix
Samantha Black and Tigger
Skeezix the Cat
Also, please try to help find homes for Dina and The Six Mites. Mary Lynn has done such a wonderful job of taking in Dina (MomKitty) and socializing the lovely Mites. (Mary Lynn also does so much for everyone, so a special hats off to her.) Now they all need furrever homes!!! Check out their website, and PLEASE consider one, or more. The following is posted on their site:
Thank you all for your help. We've used Continental to fly kitties everywhere, so the mites can travel if necessary -- they charge by weight, so it wouldn't cost that much to fly a Mite! If anyone wants information on how the Mites would "fly", here is the website. If you want to adopt a mite and can't afford the flight fee, arrangements can and will be made to pay it for you! Continental website is HERE.
~CalicoMom Toni ~
Aw, that's grate! Fanks yall :)
Don't furget KC cuz she's the bestest repurrter (not to put down any of the ofurs) and she does tons n tons of werk to help out alla the kitties round the blogosphere :)
Sanjee and the Hotties
That's a very special Thanks that you all did for the Cat Blogosphere and their staff. They indeed do so much for all us poodins out here in the world of blog, and other poodins and peoples in need.
Luf, Us
Mom shudders to think what our lives would be like without Mom Robyn, the repurters and the cat blogosphere...we owe them a lot!
What a wonderful idea! :) The Cat Blogosphere is an amazing site, as are all the many cat bloggers! :)
Sadly, we can't adopt a Mite. My dad is very allergic to cats, except for Sphynx. And although they can fly, it's a long way to Munich.
that's a wonderful tribute!
What a sweet and thoughtful post you made! Without the Cat Blogosphere, I do not think we would be such a wonderful and close community, we would just be a bunch of individual cats!
That is so furry nice for everyone! I love the cat blogosphere.
Without the Cat Blogosphere, we never would have found so many wonderful friends. They really do go above and beyond and deserve lots of purrs and headbutts in thanks!!
A special post for a special group!!!
Mittens you are looking very fluffy & lovely checking out the calendar!
Oh this was a wonderful post CalicoToniMom...you are so right these ladies do a tremendous job for all of us and it's truly wonderful all that they do.
Top of the tail to all
Thanks Calico Mom Toni, Patches, Mittens, Mistre and Precious! We are so glad to be a part of this great group and all the Cats and their beans we have met! Cat Blogosphere brings us all together! KC, ML, Mom Robyn and Sanjee started it all and we are so glad!
Your FL furiends,
This is a superb idea!
we love all of those kitties. They work tirelessly as we nap the days away. We have become very dependant on that site!
the bestest idea effur!!
We love the Cat Blogosphere and we are thankful for all teh work alla thems put itno it!!
fanks for reminding us!
Kashim & Othello
Thanks girls - that was very sweet of you!
Our thanks to the Cat Blogosphere kitties an Beins.
Our best hopes for the Mites, too.
Yep, it may be past Thanksgiving, but we give thanks for our Cat Blogosphere gang of repurrters.
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