Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Look what my mancat, Brainball, gave award!!! (Well, he gave it MOSTLY to me.) Thank you my sweetiecakes.

Momma just ordered our 2008 Cat Blogosphere calendar! Yippee! Our pichers are in it!

~Patches Lady~


Daisy said...

You look so cute posing in front of your award! We ordered our calendar too. I can't wait to see it!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

That's such a cute award! I think momma needs a calender for her office.

Brainball said...

Milady Patches,

You look so lovely posing with your smile award! You make me smile, my lovely lady cat, from furry ear to furry ear.

That's exciting the Cat Blogosphere calendar is ready! We Ballicai think Mom needs one, too.

Love and my rumbliest purrs to you, lovely lady Patches!

Your Brainball.

Anonymous said...

Nice going, Patches. I think I'll tell my human to get a calendar for us, too.