Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Time On My Paws

Momma, it is time for you to get ready to go to town. Daddy is waiting for you.

~Precious Flower~


Daisy said...

Precious, it is very good of you to monitor the time for your mom!

Anonymous said...

You are so helpful. I think we could all learn from you.

Karen Jo said...

You are a good reminder cat, Precious.

Jimmy Joe said...

You are much better than I am, Precious. Momma's always scolding me, saying that I don't help her get out of bed in the morning.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yoo are furry good Precious, watching the time furr yer mum.

Anonymous said...

I love the title! It made me laugh.

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Kitties are so good with time. The Spice Cats always try to wake me up at 730am everyday, even weekends.