Patches went upstairs, while I stayed under the dining room table, meowing and meowing for her. She wouldn't answer me at all, so I decided to go up and see what she was doing; well, she was sleeping, so, here I am, upstairs, waiting for her to wake up. See what a good girl I am not to assurb her? Momma says go ahead and assurb her because she assurbs Momma and Daddy at 3:00 AM Pacific Daylight Savings Time ina morning.
~Precious Flower~
What a pretty tummy you have!
I think it's very sweet to let your sisfur sleep :)
mu Mom says she hopes you got a tummy rub after posin' so nice for such a pretty picture!
Mine mombean said, "Ooooo, kiss that floofy tum-tum!". Mombeans are so funny. She does give good tummy kisses, though. As for me I think a nose kiss would be just right.
---Your Beezie
Shaggy & Scout assurb mom at around 4AM Central Daylight Time every morning too. Scout always copies Shaggy.
You are like me Squirt....just chill and keep an eye on things. -Scooby
You are being very very good! But I have to agree that your tummy is just asking to be rubbed.
I am nice to mum, I just lets her sleep! She gets up pretty early most days anyway and she says she needs beauty sleep. Yep, I agree!
Oh my goodness - I just want to give a big smooch to that foofy tum!
Uh oh. Maw wants to bury her nose in yur tummy furs. Yup.
Luf, Us
You're so pretty, Precious - and such a good girl!
Wow, what a patient poodie you are to wait like that. We would haf to pounce her ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO
I hope you disturbed her and made her play with you!!
You're a very good girl not to bother your sister. Did she finally play with you when she was done with whatever she was busy with?
We agree with the others, you are a very nice kitty to let your sister sleep.
Jasmine said she wants to give your lovely tummy lots of pats and kisses.
What a perfectly delightful tummy that is!
I love seeing you all stretched out like that, Precious. You are very nice to Patches not to wake her up. Did she play with you once she was done with her nap?
There is nothing like an afternoon of catnaps.
Precious you are such a thoughtful sister! My Momma wants to give yu a tum tum rub too! Do you like tummy rubs?
I am always getting into trouble for disturbing the humans in the morning too. I always have a good reason though e.g.
1. I need attention
2. I need food
3. it's raining
4. I need to go to the loo and hefty tabby is outside the cat flap.
As you can see these are all good reasons. FAZ
Mommy wants your tummy to rub, now!
Gor.ge.ous. picture. So reposeful.
our Lady thinks you're the cutest thing ever! (hey - what about us?)
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