Momma said yesterday was the longest day of the year. I thought all the days were the same length. I may have to adjust my naps....... possibly, maybe take more. She said Dec. 21 is the shortest day. I suppose my naps will be cut in half then!! I feel tired thinking about this.
Mittens Pollypaws
longest day? shortest day? holy cripes. you mean we has to do maf now just to make shur we gets enuf naps in? - Miles
I"m not furry good at math! I hope I don't forget a nap or take to many!!!
Oh Ms Mittens, try not to wurry abowt it. If yu takes a nap just when yu feels like it, then it duzzent matter abowt long days or short days.
Naps are good anytime!
My girl certainly thought it was the longest day. She got her wisdom teeth removed, and the anesth-anesth- medication made her sick. She threw up ten times and couldn't take her pain medication at all. She is very glad yesterday is over. I encouraged her to nap as MUCH a possible, of course. Poor Girl. She looks like a big chipmunk today.
~ moose
Hi my bestest friend Mittens!! You look comfy napping - Trixie
If you keep your usual nap/eat/nap/eat cycle, the days can be any length they want. All I know is, there's lots more sunshine now that when it's cold out.
Mum knows they are longer 'cuz I wakes her up furry early in the morning. I wants her to get up and plan and feed me.
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