I won a gold in tub soccer. It was most unexpected because I only signed up for that at the last minute. Momma and all us girls want to congratulate everyone that participated in the games. Also, how much fun we had hosting it. She also wants to thank everyone who helped pull it all together and make it such an exciting event.
She says, if you want, she will personalize your medal too, like she did mine. Just email her the following: (Our email address is in the sidebar, under our profile)
Winner's Name
Medal Color
Size (Large or Small)
Momma put mine in the sidebar next to the catolympic banner.
Please go read FINAL THOUGHTS on the Catolympic Site.
Patches Lady
Congratulations Patches Lady!
Yeah! Congratulations ..Good job!=^^=
It was good. Wonderful final thoughts. We all enjoyed every minute of it ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO
Concatulations Patches! We hadded so much fun and you all and your Mommy were so nice. Trixie loved hanging out with Mittens, and we loved visiting wif Mistrie. She is so nice! Fank you for hosting such a wonderful event. - Miles
Big Concatulations Patches! We had lots and lots of fun. Gree especially had fun meeting Mistrie. She said she doesn't get to meet such nice outdoor girl kitties very often and that made it even extra special. Thanks lots of hosting and having us all over. Thanks to Mom Toni too! If yall feel sad from bein alone, we'll come visit and help clean up and play and talk. We likes to visit :)
~~ Boni, Sanjee, Gree, Pepi and Mini
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