Raising Squirrels
This is Leigh, the oldest Boyson, who lives on Sugar Mountain with his wife, Paige; Billie, the ginger girl cat; and Princess, the woofie. They have become foster parents to two motherless squirrels.
The neighbor lady, who takes in homeless critters, told them there was one of each; boy and girl. She gave Leigh and Paige some kitten milk to hand feed them. (This one has a hurt leg.) They are doing fine!!!
That's just plain wonderful!
What dear little creatures they are - and what a handsome squirrel-dad they have.
Ummm...snack time.
What? I'm a cat.
Gosh, what a responsibility. What will happen when they need to be released back into the wild?
awww, they're so cute. We is wondering like The Crew is they will be able to live in the wild when they are grown?
Mmmm... they look like fun. Yummy, too. What???
Oh. Mom says they're family so not snacks. Bummer.
They are so tiny! My uncle had a squirrel living in his house, but he wasn't invited in and nowhere as cute as these guys. I hope they do well.
cute, cute, cute. hurray for them being willing to take in a "foreign" creature. pleae post regularly on how they're doing.
Those are the most precious babies I have ever seen! I didn't know squirrels started out looking so precious and then developed their devil instincts later! Maybe this human male can train them to lose that inner evil drive.
Little cuties. And so full of curiosity! And Pretty eyes.
They're cute!! Who'd have thunk it?? Fanks for the compliments 'bout Daddy. George Clooney huh? Daddy has his 'superman curl' goin' on in that picture. We fink he's handsome...so does momma. heehee.
Them squirrels an the boyson are so cute. Momma tried to nurse one once but it didn't work unfortunately. Good luck wif raising them to be healthy squirrels.
Gosh, I want one!
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