Mistrie has two new best friends. They are
Princess Mia and
Gree. She spent a lot of time with them at the Catolympics, and they forged quite a furrendship. Mistrie took them out in the woods and showed them some hunting tricks. Mia told her all about the big city of Houston, Texas and her Dad's BBQ skills. Gree shared adventures at the House Of The (Mostly) Black Cats and what went into making their new blog. They even had breakfast on the deck the next day. Mistrie says Mia and Gree can teleport over anytime. Momma is calling them "The Happy Threesome."
On a more serious note, Mistrie brought a dead bat and put it by the back door sometime in the night. Momma says this is not good, she worries about rabies. Momma read, though, that the bat has to bite you.......rabies is carried in the saliva.
Patches Lady
I had a great time with Mistrie and I will be back to visit. Beanmom is worried about the bat. I know Mistrie is an outside kitty, but has she had her shots, can you take her to the stabby place? Please keep us updated. A boy died in Houston not too long ago after being bit by a rabid bat. It am furry scary.
oh no, a dead bat. that am furry scary. if somehow you can get her to the v-e-t so that he can look over her to see if she got bited that would be good. oh dear.
As I understand bats lick themselves clean just like cats. That would mean that the saliva would be on their outsides too! Maybe time for Mistrie to become an inside kitty just to get to the TED (the evil doctor).
That was a lovely photo of Mistrie with her two new furrfriends. I too would be careful with the bats...
I had so much fun meeting Mistrie and Mia! They're such nice cats! I'll come visit and that'll be lotsa fun. I'll have to remind Mistrie that bats don't taste good anyways. They're icky.
~~ Gree :)
Nasty bats! We hope she'll be OK. At least call your vet and see what they say.
What a wonderful photo of the three of them. They look like three diplomats having a summit. Perhaps they are? But the bat thing is scary. -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie
Nice picture! Keep us posted 'baout the bat. Grammie haded a momma and baby bat in her garage! Gabby didn't know what to do ...she wuz just lookin' at 'em.
Mistrie probably finks the bat is a mousie wif strange stuff coming off the sides of it. Momma says she founded a dead bat in the house once a looooong time ago when she hadded her first cat, Tiger. He was playin wif it. She picked it up and frew it away. Nufing happend. She didn't know bout rabies then.
Glad that Mistrie has a few new girlfriends. Also, I agree with getting your little outside girl looked at by the VET.
I'm not so worried about Mistrie getting rabies from the bat. Ask your vet whether s/he'd worry before traumatizing sweet Mistrie. Also, bats are the world's bestest mosquito eaters. Mom efun has a bat house to put up, if she efur figures out where.
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