Patches and Mittens told me today is the day! This is so exciting; imagine the torch coming to me!!! Imagine!! What an honor.
I am patroling the yard, making sure it is in tip-top shape for all the company. I have warned the geese to be on their best behavior, they tend to poop all over the place. They are molting right now, I had to pick up feathers they dropped all over.
Stay Tuned.......
Mistrie Rose
Mistrie - I is so 'acited for you! You are going to be the bestest torch bearer and torch lighter efurr! - Miles
Hi bestest furriend Mittens! I will be coming to the olympics to watch all the activitiy and participate in the nap-a-thon! - Trixie
We are furry excited for you Mistrie Rose! What an honor you have!
We're waiting to cheer you on, Mistie - you will be a wonderful torch bearer! We are proud of you. -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie
MistRie Rose-sorry for typo in your name, our human can't type worth squat, but we keep her because she can open cans in her sleep. -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie
It IS an honour, Ms Mistrie - but you deserve it. You will do it so well.
You get to bring the torch home. That is a really big honor and one very deserved. Can't wait to see the ceremonies.
What a furry huge honour, Patches & Mittens! Good for you! Will Miss Mistrie Rose be carrying the torch wif you too?
How exciting! We know you'll do well.
Tilly and Toby
Feathers? Feathers?! Puleeze can you safe me a feather? I lurve feathers. Just leaf it in my nap spot. Or two. Or free. Oh, I just learned how fun feathers are.
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