Yipee, the torch arrived. After many miles and many cats passing it on, it finally has arrived at it's final destination. Here are pictures as things unfolded.
Mittens and Patches wait patiently.
Mistrie hears lots of noise as Max and an entourage of excited participants, family and friends enter the Big Piney Woods.
Max, oh Max.....you have arrived!!!!! Mistrie takes the torch over to the main Catolympic Center where the cauldron is. She will set it in a holder until tomorrow night's lighting ceremony.
After safely putting the torch in it's holder, we welcomed Max with lots of stinky goodness, fresh water, and crunchies. Full report on Max's visit tomorrow. We hope Max will stay here rather than teleporting home, until after the nap-a-thon.
Great News Update About Edsel's Mom~~~ SHE IS HOME!!!
YAY!!!!!! It's there! We are having our final 'lympic praktices tonight and then we will be ready! I don't fink I will be able to sleep tonight! - Miles
Very nice work with the torch, ladies! And thanks for the up-date on Edsel's mom!
Fantastic! I can't believe that the Catolympics starts tomorrow! Wow!
Yea! The torch made it!!! We have finally recovered from our cross-country journey...we'll try to write about it tonight. Can't wait to see y'all!!
It am so a'citin to see the torch in Mistrie's paws. She looks so proud carrying it off.
An incredible journey and kudos to all who coordinated it.
Yay! The torched maded it! Wow all those kitties all over carried it and now it's at the Catolympic Center. It's hard to believe it's almost time. Wow. I'm all ready for my events. I'm so 'cited my whiskers are all trembly. Fanks all of yall for workin so hard to make this possible for all us kitties!
Mistrie you did a fine job carryin that torch to it's final spot. Now the games can begin!
*ABBY & the gang!
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