Look into my eyes, Momma........
You are feeling sleepy.......
When I count to three, you will be under my spell... Now get me a can of salmon, please...
Oh dear......I just hypnotized myself, darn mirror.
At the count of three, I won't remember anything and be ready for a nap.
Patches Lady
I use the silent treatment to get stinky goodness. That, and a haughty look.
Your eyes are very bewitching! We can see how easily she would fall under your spell.
Careful Patches or you wills puts yourself in a trance and not be able to gets out of it.
uh, i fink you hip-no-tized me Patches. I would get you stinky goodness, but I don't have fumbs to open it- Miles
Ah, I would be more than happy to look into your lovely eyes, Miss Patches.
Them looks like sleepy eyes to us. Good hypno-tye-sing eys. They say efurryting is ok.
What gorgeous kitties you Calico Girls are! If it were up to us all kitties would have Stinky Goodness all the time!
Tilly and Toby
I was gonna say somefinn...now what was it...can't remember...::Momma snaps fingers:: Oh yeah, fanks for coming to mine party!! I REALLY enjoyed it!
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