It is a sad state of affairs, but we don't have a Green Wall Garden Ornament Shelter. Momma says the town isn't big enough to support one, although we do have a place Momma calls Wally World that has a Garden Shelter. She says they have bears holding welcome signs. I don't know......I dont think I would go into a place that had a bear at the door. Also, there is a mystical place that sells gnomes and crystals. The parents buy barks from them. I can't imagine anyone buying barks; they should at least get the woofie to go with it. (I wonder if they sell meows, too.)
There is a Chicken here that was fried in Kentucky. I think I might like that.
Patches Lady
Our Mum says there is a Wally World near here. She is laughing because she thought she was the only bean who calls it " Wally World". She is going to look for one of Vir-ginger's littermates this week.
Tilly and Toby
we has a SUPER Wally World near us. They keeps wanting to build more Wally Worlds, but there's no room to put them! A green wall store is trying to go in around here, but they want to tear down a historical landmark to build it, and the peoples are putting up a fight. I fink we has enough stores already. - Sammy
They am furry purrty & it was furry nice of Bonnie & Victor to send them to you! We don't gots one of them stores around here eiffur, ALL we gots is trees. trees, & more trees!
Momma said she's not heard of Wally World. It must be furry big and exciting.
We live in Wally World! (not the Wall Fart -- uh we mean mart... sorry Ms. Calico Mom). Otherwise known as Wallingford, CT. We do hab the Green Wall Shelter tho so Mom is going to check it out to see if there are other litter kitters hanging out there.
We haves the super wally world AND bunches of the Green Walls. Momma sez we have 3 with in 1 mile of the house!! BTW...do y'all know the guy whose house wuz on Extreme Makeover last night?? Momma watched it and thought of y'all.
They are finally buildin' a SUPER Wally World near us. We live in a rural area outside of Jacksonville. But there are lots of Wally Worlds up there. Lots of people in them too. Not too many poodins though.
We don't have any Green Wall Shelters though.
Mom says Madison is just the right size. It's almost like two cities, wif a group of big stores on the West side an anofur group on the East side. We has lotsa Green Wall Stores an we're near Wally World and a club for beans named Sam. I fink they send that Kentucky chicken here, too, but Dad can't eat it. AND, we has the store for Smart Pets - That's where I dopted my mom!
Thank you for your guidance and support.Thank you for providing such a valuable information.
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