Maybe if you get real close to her feet while she's getting your s.g. ready and then pretend she's stepped on your footie by screeching really loud, you'll get some extra. It's worth a try.
Have you tried just going to where you get fed your stinkygoodness, sitting down, and acting as if you are waiting for your wait staff to bring you your food? And that you're not going to tip really well if they don't hurry? That sometimes works for us ... Sky
The getting stepped on trick is a good one, although there is the risk of actually getting stepped on. Pitiful, starving kitty at the food bowl sometimes works. Sitting on Mum's chest and purring and drooling DOES work most of the time. Especially if you are generously proportioned like I am. Yowling is counter-productive and should be saved for real emergencies like vet trips and ear medication. Just the opinion of a large, sleepy tigger cat. Toby
Bonnie an I just sit in the kitchen an stare at Mom an Dad. Then, when they look, I spin. That sumtimes werks. Bonnie finks they furget where the cat food is an shows them which cupboard. Hey, we got the pressies today! I is so acited wif my real goose feathers! THe treats an mousies are great, too, but I'm most happiest wif the feathers. I was furry sad when I furgot to bring them home from Catolympics.
asking for extra stinky goodness nefurr werks for us eifer- Miles
Hi Mittens! - Trixie
Maybe if you get real close to her feet while she's getting your s.g. ready and then pretend she's stepped on your footie by screeching really loud, you'll get some extra. It's worth a try.
Have you tried just going to where you get fed your stinkygoodness, sitting down, and acting as if you are waiting for your wait staff to bring you your food? And that you're not going to tip really well if they don't hurry? That sometimes works for us ... Sky
The getting stepped on trick is a good one, although there is the risk of actually getting stepped on. Pitiful, starving kitty at the food bowl sometimes works. Sitting on Mum's chest and purring and drooling DOES work most of the time. Especially if you are generously proportioned like I am.
Yowling is counter-productive and should be saved for real emergencies like vet trips and ear medication.
Just the opinion of a large, sleepy tigger cat.
Hee Hee Patches! That's a good idea steppin on em to gets more stinky goodness. We runs right ofur the top of Daddy's head sometimes.
Girls, tell your mom that I'm having mail trouble. I'll contact her when I can. Something is screwed up!!!! -sss's mom
Heeheehee... Patches, you are one smart cookie...
I have to agree with Cheysuli that you are way too polite. I think something along the lines of repeated headbutts is in order here!
I dont know what stinky goodness is, but I want a whole tuna fish for dinner. I got stuck in a box and taked to get stabbed by the V-E-T.
Gree says to tell Mistrie hi.
~~ Pepi
Bonnie an I just sit in the kitchen an stare at Mom an Dad. Then, when they look, I spin. That sumtimes werks. Bonnie finks they furget where the cat food is an shows them which cupboard.
Hey, we got the pressies today! I is so acited wif my real goose feathers! THe treats an mousies are great, too, but I'm most happiest wif the feathers. I was furry sad when I furgot to bring them home from Catolympics.
Heehee, Patches, you are one naughty lady!
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