
All of us in the Big Piney Woods will be thinking of Edsel's Mom, Sue, today. Leave us a comment here, if you joined in the healing/prayer chain. I will send a copy of this post to her, when she if feeling better.
Here are the times:
lst........5:00 PST; 6:00 MST; 7:00 CST; 8:00 EST (Time surgery is to start)
2nd......10:00 PST; 11:00 MST; 12:00 CST; 1:00 p.m. EST
Anytime you wish, if you can't make these times.
Please remember: You don't have to be on your computer....you can post your comment later.
Toni Momma
Toni Momma
We're praying for you.
Tilly, Toby and Kate(the Mum)
We visited here earlier today, and will be back later on. We said furry speshul purrayers 'afore bed last night, and again this morning when we gotted up. We are anxiously waiting to hear how the surgery went. Purrs and headbutts to Edsel and the rest of the family.
Thinking and sending purrayers for Edselsmom, her family and all of the hospital people.
We are thinking of you and sending purrayers for Edselsmom.
Mia & her beans
Zippy, Sadie and Speedy cat (and mom and dad) are sending purrayers to guide the surgeons hands, clarity of mind for the operating room nurses and quick healing.
All of us here in the Oligarchy are praying our special prayers this morning for Edsel's mom, her medical providers and caregivers, and her loved ones in and out of the waiting room. -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie as well as the two humans and the woofie
God Speed....
May God's arms be around you and your family as you heal
We are purring and praying here. We did earlier, but blogger wouldn't let us do it online so Momma said we would say them again.
We'll be thinking of her all day long.
Sending healing thoughts from Abby and the gang.
Our paws are crossed in purrayers.
You are in our thoughts and prayers today and we are purring healing wishes your way.
We are saying prayers for you throughout the day and night, as well as some of our friends, family, and church. We hope you have a speedy recovery! Take care and God bless! Godspeed!
Beau and his mom
Hoping that things are going well. We're keeping Edsel's mom & family in our thoughts & prayers.
Our prayers and best wishes from our home to Edsel's mom, Edsel and family. We hope all will be fine.
We said our purrayers and hope all is well with Edsel & family.
Prayers & good thoughts to Edsel & his family for his Mom's full recovery.
The Crew & Crew's' Mom
We said our prayers his morning at 8AM EST and we been praying on and off all day for you to give you strength.
Beau Beau, Angie, Brenda and Bob
We saod pur prayers wif Momma 'afore we went to bed last night,a dn before we left for new York. Momma has been praying too, and thinking of Susan often. If God brings you to it, He'll bring you through it.
~Meeko, Kiara, & Momma Becca
We have been thinking of Edsel's mom and family on this very difficult day. We hope that everything goes well and we look forward to hearing news of a speedy recovery!
- Jasmine and the BKs
we have been thinking about sue all day long. we could hardly wait for momma to get home so we could send happy thoughts and head butts. we wish edsel and his momma purry wishes.
Zorro's crew and the momma
love and purrayers from us all.
Edsel's mom was in all our thoughts today and continues to be. We all pray for her safe and speedy recovery. I sent magic kissies, too.
We all joined in the healing/prayer chain today - me n Boni n Mini n Momma n Grandma. And we'll keep it up for a quicky all good recovery. Boni's goin to telerport and visit Edsel tonight and tomorry too to keep him compny.
The Woman and Buddah and I have all been thinking about Edsel's Mom all day long. I kind of remember when the Woman had brain srgery and everyone was all stressed out and upset...I hope it goes as well for her as it did the Woman.
We have been praying along with everyone else for a quick recovery.
best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Also wanted to say thanks for the nice welcome and I luuuuv your page! Purrrrrrple is mine & my momma's favorite color (daddy doesn't mind it either) wish I knew how to set my page up like that *wistful purr*
thax you for keeping us updated - so glad to hear that Edselmom is doing okay.
It seems like we has been purraying for Susan foreffur! I am glad the surgery is over, I'm sure it is a relief & I am SSSOOO glad it went well!
Purrs and fur to Edsel's mom. That's my speshul therapy formula. Purrs and fur. Be well, one and all!
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