Yesterday, Daddy was riding on the big grass eating monster. When it would get full, he would dump it's stomach (It has two of them, they are black and you can see everything it eats!!!) and then get back on, so it could gobble more. (Counter productive if you ask me.)

Momma was watering her many flowers, which Daddy says there are WAY too many of, because how are they going to be able to go camping now? He says you can't expect the neighbors to spend a bazillion hours watering your stuff. So does that mean they won't be leaving to go camping like they usually do every summer, for the 4th of July family celebration??? Stay tuned.......
Our mommy talked our daddy into going camping for the 4th of July. He has nefurr been camping afore.
You have a furry pretty yard. I'd love to walk through all those flowers again! Momma doesn't let me go out though, 'cept for special occassions, like the 'lympics.
What a beautiful garden you have! Our Mum dreams of having one like that someday. Maybe if we had a nice yard, Tilly wouldn't mind going out...
What is this camping? My boy is "camping" this week wif a club called Scouts (not the SS&S kitty). They put lotsa weird stuff in a bag on his back an took him away, then Mom and Dad came back wifout him.
Mom says Gardener's Supply Company has stuff for vacation watering your plants an they're good to buy from. Also, she takes empty plastic bottles, cuts small holes in them wif a nail, fills them wif water an puts the lids back on. They'll slowly dribble water into the plants. Not pretty, but practical. She said you might find a cheaper water timer at a hard wear store.
We'd like to send Scout camping. Can he go with you? Good idea Victor! -Scoobs & Shaggs
Sounds like you have a wonderful day planned for Gree, 'specially the napping part. Plus she'll enjoy your nice flowers.
With the beans gone, you can invite all of us kitties for a party. And, we could take care of her plants.
Your flowers are furry purrty. They look furry tasty too. I like to chew on flowers.
~~ Boni
PS. Is Gree coming home today? Pepi was askin.
Pretty pretty yard. You girls are lucky to have such beauty right outside to look at.
Do YOU get to go for the big celebration, too???
Hi Girls. Your mother's garden looks absolutely lovely! So many pretty flowers everywhere! The only thing that could make it more beautiful is a kitty cat sitting with the flowers. :) Jasmine.
Your human lady pet's garden is simply stunning. My human pet wishes she had but a small bit of that talent. You can tell that both your human pets put a lot of work and effort into it. :)
Those are such purty fleurs. You werked very hard to get efurrything so purty. Mom is trying to talk Dad into camping too. He's never been and she used to all the time. She says if we go in a pop up that we might be able to come wif them.
The flowers are furry purty. :) I had lotsa fun visiting Mistrie! I hopes she can come visit us too. I posted bout it on our blog. Wif pictures! Mistrie can stay wif us while yall camping too. Fanks for havin me! And fanks for the note bout my Grandma for tomorry. :)
Purrrrr Purrrrrrrrrr
~~ Gree
Would you get to go along on the trip?
I didn't know you could have too many flowers. Hmm. ~Merlin
This is a very useful post shared by you.Thanks for providing such a valuable information with us.
Thanks for helping all by posting this valuable information in this great article.
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