Momma told Sunny and Cloudy (she calls them The Twins) they could go outside, sit on one of her flowersbeds and, maybe, watch for bugs. They were more than happy to oblige. One minute they were there, the next they were gone! Momma is out looking all over for them. She said she shouldn't have let them out so soon after getting here. She hopes Victor's Mom isn't upset with her leaving them out when they are still so little and new.
Patches Lady
We hope they weren't catnapped! They're awfully purrty sitting on that raised flower bed. Maybe Mistrie Rose is showing them all the hidey & good hunting places in the big piney woods.
maybe they took a walk down by the pond to visit the goosies?
I hope they just wandered and weren't catnapped!
AHHHH, Vir-ginger is furry upset that they are missing.
All Points Bulliten - two cute but litte kitties missing in IDEEHO.
Please help find them.
They are darling little kitties, but yu know, I think they have gone asploring their new home with Ms Mistrie. They'll surely be home for their supper.
Maybe they just went exploring. You did tell them they're not allowed to leave the yard, didn't you?
I betcha they did just go 'sploring cuz there is so much bee-tee-ful things to see in IDEEHO.
I'm sure they will be back by dinner time.
I bet they went on a grand tour of the Big Piney Woods with Mistrie. I hope she gives me a tour when I come for the Catolympics.
I bet they're sitting on the log near the water or hanging out wif Mistrie in her hidey spot.
Not to worry, Momma found them......she will update tomorrow..
Patches Lady
Thank goodness they were found!
Phew, Vir-ginger, Mum and me are furry happy they are safe. Waiting to hear the story.
Yay! I'm glad you found them!
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