This is exactly why Momma can't have ANY plants in the house, anymore. She used to have 50 of them, yes, F-I-F-T-Y!!! She counted them. She had a garden in the dining room of their other house. (This was before I came to live with them.) There were pretty rocks, pinecones, bird nests, mosses, driftwood. There were hanging ferns and even a resident cricket that would sing to them. Now Momma has 2, yes, T-W-O, both of them up high so Mittens can't gnaw on them. I think a floor garden would be super, but it isn't going to happen, Chew Queen saw to that.
Patches Lady
Hi Mittens my bestest furrend! I am the reason Mommy cannot have any type of plant - or even dried flowers - in the house. I ate her dried wedding bouquet when I was a kitten. Then I ate all of her plants. Salad is good for you, but she doesn't like it when I barf on the floor after eating the plants. - Trixie
Momma said a cat ate her dried wedding bouquet too.. and then Iggy ate the living plants. She has a couple of hanging plants that he couldn't get to but that was all. Now that he's gone (physically) she is starting to get more plants because none of us are chewers, yet...
All of Momma's indoor plants are up high too. We like to gnaw on them as well. We've even tried chewing the fake fern that she has. So, instead she plants outside. Oh...we putted up picsures of the snappy dragons on our blog!
Did ya get to keep the grasshopper? Or did someone eat him too?
Me eifen ate the human sisters dried roses. Yuk.
We don't EAT the plants, but I likes to taste em. Just a bite or two to makes sure I don't like em. Mom's biggest is a chef-a-lee-ra that was a little plant gift when they moved in 8 years ago. Now it's BIG... an kept up high.
Keep watching for the snail-mail lady!
Ohh, Mittens, methinks your mum would not be pleased with you. I am a good boy and don't eat the indoor plants, although some of them are high up I can reach some of them if I wanted to. I do nibble the grass in the back garden though, but that's allowed.
Ewww Mittens! Why chew on plants when you could be gnawing on stinky goodness?!
Mommy and Daddy don't even bring any plants into our house. They say we would try to eat them. But how would they know if they never brought any in to see what we would do? I think they should give us the benefit of the doubt.
MMMMM it looks furry tasty! Schmaybe you could bring it wiff you to the party........
That sounds familiar. We have two hanging plants and a terrarium in the kids room that we can't go into.
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