One gorgeous fall day, in October, 1999, a lovely calico cat came walking up the driveway, taking her sweet time, tail held high, feeling very comfortable and secure. It was like she knew that whoever lived here would let her stay. She knew she had charm. My husband saw her first, when he happened to look out the window. I had been wanting a cat and had discussed it with him, so this was an opportune time for her to show up. Coincidently, calicos were my favorite, ever since I had one as a little wafer. I went out, walking slowly, talking softly. She just talked right back to me and was fine with my picking her up. I didn't want to get attached, figuring she belonged to someone, she was too friendly and unafraid.
I opened the door for her and invited her inside. It was obvious she wasn't used to being indoors, the ceiling were so low, not like the sky, and there were no trees or grass. After numerous headbutts and winding around me, she found a spot on a quilt that was folded up beside the couch, claiming it as hers. I called the neighbors and also called the shelter, nobody was missing a calico who had one black leg and one orange, with white tosies. (I was so very glad nobody claimed her.) After a week, I called T.E.D. and made an appointment for spaying, worming, shots, and health check. The spaying wasn't necessary ( somebody must have loved her) and she got a clean bill of health. The only thing we can figure is someone dropped her off (their loss, our gain.) She was two years old.
She fit in and it didn't take long before she was claiming the bed as hers. My husband named her Patches, I added the Lady. She is our lovely Patches Lady, Bootiful Gurl, our Patchy Girl. We love her so, she is "the boss lady."
Toni (The Mom)
That's a great story! Beans don't realize it's the cats what do the choosin'... we just let them think THEY do it.
What a great story! Yes, we do choose our own furrever homes. Patches is a furry furry Bootiful Lady. - Miles ( who chose his furrever Mommy 'acause she was a pushover for blue eyes).
Is it OK to call you PL (Patches Lady)? You are one very BOO-TEE-FUL lady. You are also one very smart poodin. You chose well, someone to love and cherish you furever.
*ABBY(happy in her furever home)
What a lovely story! So it really was Patches who chose you first, didn't she? She's a smart one. And I am so very happy for all of you. Do share with us Mittens and Mistrie's story!
~5-Cat Style
Wow-Lady Patches is furry brave to just walk up to your house like that. I was furry furry scared when my momma found me.
I think Georgia just marched right up like that to my momma to. Maybe all calicos are furry brave?
What a lovely story. I think calicos are very brave. They are so vocal and forthright, and put up a good fight each time!
The tower hill mob is right. We cats just know where the love is and where the right house to go is. We demonstrate it over & over. There are many stories of cats who picked the home they wanted and there they stayed. Mom says its kind of spooky. You have a lovely story Patches, and you sure did pick the right home!!!!
Sounds like she knew a good home when she saw one. From what I've seen, the really good humans are easy to pick out and we tend to flock towards them.
What a wonderful story, Patches. We're so glad you found your furrever home!
kitties are very smart knowin' which driveway to walk up! it's good you're all together.
Enjoyed reading your story, Miss Patches. As a formerly homeless cat who adopted his humans, I understand completely what you did, sweet and clever Patches. Humans love confidence, so just act like you belong there, and they'll melt for you -- they did for me too!
Lovely story.
Lucky kitty.
A lovely story. It is uncanny how cats seem to choose the best people for pets. Patches, i wish you and your Mom, (and Mittens and Mistrie), many more years together. I am happy that you all have found a loving home.
It is amazing how we pick our homes. It all seems to be prearraned that our loving friends walk their way into our hearts and stay furever. Patches picked the bestest home wif you and fits in so well. An she gets to have such a beautiful blogging home too!
That is a good story. Mommy said it must be a bed time story because I liked it so much that as soon as mommy finished reading it I fell asleep
Who ever let you go missed out on a lovely kittie. But you picked a really good new home, so lucky you and lucky for your beans.
That's a furry nice story! We kitties DO know how to pick the best homes. That sounds a lot like how I found my home!
Good story, that's how I found my forever home. I just walked up one night and cried until they let me in.
Good story, that's how I found my forever home. I just walked up one night and cried until they let me in.
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