Her cage was the only one, out of all of them, that didn't need cleaning. She hadn't used the litter box, eaten or drank any water since she had been admitted, the night before I got there. I got attached to all the cats, but she tore at my heart more than any other had. The next day, and every day after, I hoped she would be gone when I got there, that someone gave her a forever home. She started slipping under her bedding to completely hide. That is the way I found her one morning, several days later. She had been moved "up" to the adoptable room, but nobody would know there was a cat in the cage and, if they did, her growling would surely put them off. After all, most people want a playful kitten or a grown cat that is outwardly loving. Days went by, she still hid and growled.
Each day I took her out and held her and listened to her purr, hating to put her back. Her cage never did need much cleaning, she seemed to not want to go on living. I couldn't sleep at night and thought of her all the time. I happened to be back in the quarantine room and looked at a calendar on the wall. Mittens, whose name was Arlana, was penciled in on a date, a few days away. I didn't know what this meant, but I had a bad feeling.
(Continued tomorrow)
Toni ( The Mom)
Oh poor poor Mittens. Even though we know how it ends, and Mittens is in her furrever home, our hearts hurt for what she went through. Poor baby.
Oh! and then? What happened? Poor Mittens. ::purrpurr:: I'm glad she's with you now.
The most important thing now is that she is in her furever home with you and she is happy.
Abby's Mom
I would be so scared if I were Mittens too. My Momma said I hissed and hissed when she first found me and put me in her litterbox room. Every time she would come in, I would back up under the toilet and hiss as loud as I could. She said it made her laugh?
What a sad story. She always looks so happy, you must be doing a good job with her! :)
We agree with the Meezers. Our hearts hurt for her trauma. Mittens & momma Toni were bonded from the start it sounds like and Mittens did't want anyone else.
That poor girl! We're so happy she has a loving forever home. Our cousin Molly is feral and doesn't like anyone except Gran. She had a tough life, too, until she was rescued and went to live with Gran. We're so grateful that there are loving beans out there. Purrs and Headbonks,
Tilly and Toby
We feel bad for what poor Mittens went through before you found her. But, luckily, after that, everything changed!
You were meant for her.
Some of us just don't like cages. My people left me in a "cat hotel" (kennel) for a week once, an I was so fierce and frightening to them, my man had to come in the back to get me; no one else could get me from my cage. Efun when I was sick, stayin ofurnite in a cage, I lunged at the door whenefur a bean went by an dislodged my Ivy. NO CAGES for me or Mittens! (An you don't look like an Arlana!)
aw, poor girl...i'm glad you took her home finally. i'll tell my story soon too.
Oh that is a scarey story, beling left alone in a big place like that. I will look forward to the rest of the story. I am glad that it has a happy ending. (P.S.) momma said tell you she is sorry for the deleted comment above. She forgot to turn on my ID and the wrong name was on it.
Mittens, what a special story. Mum starting humming the them from "JAWS" when she readed that part about the name penciled on the calendar. Like something bad was going to happen.
I am furry happy that your mum was there to find you, taking the time to really get to know you. Some kitties don't deal with cages very well and withdraw. We wants FREEDOM, that was what I like once I got here. FREEDOM.
Oh, Toni! You are an angel, that's what you are.
Turtle was the same way - but lucky for her, she was at a vet's office, with no chance of being put down. They'd been looking for a home for her for quite a while, but no one had taken her. She was so shy. When I brought her home she hid for two weeks. But she's the most loving, sweet little girl now. I know she loves me and she loves her home. She enjoys the windows, the kids, and even moose and nala. I'm so glad I brought her home. I know you feel the same way about Mittens.
Oh Toni, bless your soul. I am glad Mittens found you.
Poor sweet Mittens... to have been so afraid... I hate to think about what had happened to have made her so scared of people.
What a heaven-sent that you came along and loved her! :)
~5-Cat Style
Awww that's a great story too ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko ko
There's a reason why you stopped by the quarantine office. It was meant to be for you and Mittens. I love the story so far and cannot wait to read how it all happened.
-Marina, Zeus' human pet
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