Today, I just wanted to sit on the Dad's lap all the time. He had to get up to answer the ringing box, but I got right back on his lap and settled in for a long spring's nap. Finally, he said he had to get up and get dressed. I cried, I complained, I followed him upstairs and helped him pick out a shirt. I purred the whole time and my paws got all happy, as they curled and uncurled; (Momma calls them my singing toes) not to be confused with biscuits, where I knead into something, like a blanket or a bare leg. Then, after all that help I gave him dressing, he just went right outside to kill weeds!! I am sulking now, up high in my tree; just see if I pay him any mind at all the rest of the day.
~10 minutes later~ Dad, oh, Dad, is that you?? Excuse me, I think I heard the door........
Patches Lady
Oh singing paws! Mommy calls them "kitten paws" 'acause kittens do it alot. I does it when Mommy flips me on my back and rubs my belly. - Miles
Momma says that her Iggy cat used to do that all the time--especially when he got to explore something new!
I'm jealous that you get to be in the tree...
You have a crush on your dad...big time!
Patches you sure loves your Daddy lots.
Patches, I bet you didn't stay mad at him for too long. You love him too much!
And singing toes! I love it! I do that too but never knew what to call it.
Awww... you really are Daddy's Little Girl, aren't you? :) Singing Toes... so that's what you call them!
~5-Cat Style
What a true Daddy's Girl.
I fink I lurve my Mom like you lurve your Dad. She said I make her late wif my happy toes and rubbing her. Bonnie lurves Dad, but only enough fur belly rubs.
That's sweet you are such a Daddy's girl ~PM Jane
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