The Mom is a real whirlwind of activity since she bought all those flowers. She is planting, weeding, watering, fertilizing, and planting some more. Then she worries over someone by the name of Jack Frost coming to visit. I wonder if Jack doesn't like the flowers because The Mom puts the ones she hasn't planted in the garage and covers up the ones in the ground so he can't see them. I wonder how long this guy is going to stay. The Mom seems to think he will camp outside and she said he does his damage, usually, in the early morning hours as the sun is coming up. Mittens and I will keep an eye out for him and any nefarious activities. In fact, I think that is him at the door! I shall hiss, growl, and show my claws; he is not welcome here.
Careful, girls! I heard Jack Frost nips at noses... or toes? Mistrie can keep watch for him, too.
Sounds like you need to build up the defenses! Keep a careful eye on the human pet to make sure she doesn't get assalted by this Jack Frost character!
Sick-em Gaurd Kitties!
Your mom's plants are safe now with you girls on the "protective prowl"!
Ooh, I hope your mum's plants don't get a visit from Jack Frost. My mum thinks hers are safe from him now, it has been pretty warm here the last few days, and now it is raining which is good for the plants.
We bet that Jack Frost person had somethin' to do with the crime at Victor's house...umm hmmmm... ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO
Geez, we though Minnesota was bad with late frosts! Keep watching girls!
My mommy has been doing the same thing. Last Sunday she came home from the nursery and kept unloading the truck. I thought she would never finish. When the truck was empty the whole driveway was filled with green things in pots. as the week wore on the driveway got empty but the yard got filled. Mommy says we are far enough south that we dont have to worry about that Jack guy. I wish you luck
that bad Jack guy is supposed to visit us tonight too! he really gets around....my Mom is real worried about a bunch of stuff that has buds and she's worried he'll kill them...he's a mean, mean guy, whoever he is, goin' after poor defenseless little flowers
Patches, with vigilant cats like you and Mittens around, Jack Frost doesn't stand a chance. My human is getting ready to garden too. I think she needs to bring in those flats of plants tonight, too.
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