May you always walk in flowers
The grass between your toesies
Sniffing as you run around
With your little nosies
Stalking mice and birdies, too
While sitting in the posies.
Mistrie Rose
All of us here in the Big Piney Woods are thinking of Edsel's Mom and sending healing vibes and thoughts to her. We are hoping for a speedy recovery. Extra special purrs and headbutts are being sent; tell all your friends.....we need to make a healing chain. Tonight at 6:00 PM Pacific The Calico Girls will have a special time where we will look to the heavens and send loving thoughts and wishes for a special lady, who needs our help. We hope you will join us.
Toni (Momma to the Girls)
Beau's Mom converted the times for us:
HawaiiTime: 3:00 PM
AlaskaTime: 5:00 PM
PacificTime: 6:00 PM
Mtn.Time: 7:00 PM
Central Time: 8:00 PM
EasternTime: 9:00 P
That will be 3pm our time - we will also look up and send healing purrayers. that was a furry nice poem Mistrie!
I'm Central time so I'm guessing that will be 8 pm? Am I right? I was never good at the time difference. My human pet, Isis, and I will all be in attendance.
Tilly and Toby and Mum and Dad will be there from the East Coast
We will be there at 8PM central time. We all want Edsel's Mom to be OK.
The Crew
We meanted 9pm - our Mommy is time telling deficient. - Miles
Beautiful poem, Kitty!
Mistrie, you are a good poet. We will purr for her at 6 PM...
We will be spiritually holding paws with you and all our kitty friends & beans tonight.
Plus Mum figured out that this is 2 AM for our kittie buddies in the UK. 0100GMT for anyone else around the world.
Mum was going to convert all of this but Beau's mom beated her.
We all have to send our healing vibes and love to Edselsmom and the whole family.
We are thinking of Edsel's Mom too. As your thinking time is 2 AM for us in London we will probably be asleep by then, but we will send our good vibes before we go to sleep!
Mistrie is not only beautiful, but she writes beautiful things as well. That was an excellent poem. And all our thoughts and prayers and purrs and scritchies will go to Edselsmom tonight.
Loverly poem. We'll look out our windows tonight an think healing thoughts. Fur and purr therapy is the bestest!
I hope no one minds this question, but will we be meeting here at your place or at Edsel's? I want to make sure I am where I am supposed to be!
Mama didn't get on the computer until late so she didn't see this post in time to be part of the chain but she said tell you that she is saying an extra prayer for Edsels mom and sending good wishes her way.
I missed it. But my Mojo is on overtime and I'm sending 62 tons of the best thoughts I can towards her.
We missed it too, 'cause Momma was away at the ball wif Daddy and all their friends. But we will continue to send prayers for her.
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