It was all a big misunderstanding with the Canadian Authorities, but
Edsel didn't know that and took off, looking for a safe haven. When Edsel stopped here in the Big Piney Woods, Mistrie saw him and told The Mom, who brought out a plate of stinky goodness, some crunchies and a big bowl of water. He and Mistrie got to really know each other, as Mistrie showed him around all her sleeping beds and the safe spot under the deck, if Edsel needs a hideout. They checked out the catolympics race track and the climbing tree. Then, Mittens and I had a nice chat with him, throught the screen. Edsel shared fond memories of home in the Mitten State and his love for his Furless Ones. He took a long nap while Mistrie stood guard, just in case. After finding out it was all a misunderstanding and his Mom missed him greatly, Edsel went home to be with the ones he loves.
To Derby: Yes, there was a mudslide here, but it was up on the big hill where the people put the sticks on their feet and slide down. It went right through a condo. (Thankfully, nobody was there at the time.) It has been 90 degrees here for three days now, we have broken all time records for heat and the snow is melting fast. There are flood warnings out for the rivers, but we are all safe and sound. Thanks so much for your concern.
Patches Lady
Mistrie was furry good to Edsel. We are glad that he wented to the Big Piney Woods for protekshun.
Glad that you are safe and sound wif the mudslides there.
- Miles
That was so nice of Mistrie! She is a sweet girl and you two as well.
Aw, yall are all such good friends! :) I'm glad Edsel had such a nice hidey place to go to and be safe. I bet he had fun visiting and seeing the catolympics stuff too. I know he's happy to be able to go home now tho. I'm real glad to hear yall are ok and didn't get mudslided too!
It's very nice that Edsel had such a fine place to run to to hide out from the authorities. You all did such a great job of taking care of him, especially Mistrie who watched over him as he slept!
Oh that was so sweet of Patches and Mistrie and Mittens to take care of Edsel. I knows his Mom really appreciated that he was there wif ya'll. It was a good place for a hideout...no one would have ever suspected!
Glad to know efurryone in your household is OK...mudslides don't sound too fun!
I am furry glad the mud didn't get you! Glad you were able to help Edsel too.
Girls, you were such great friends to poor Edsel in his time of need. We're glad to hear everyone is OK!
Dear sweet Mistrie Rose! What a good girl.
Woohooooo! We're so glad Edsel is home safe and sound. Thank you all the Calico Girls for taking care of him.
Finny & Buddy
PS to Miss Mittens - we din't forget about yore prize, mom messed it up and had to start over! We will send it in a few days.
Mum saided that most likely the sliding wasn't by your house. So very happy that all is well.
That is so nice of you to let Edsel rest and you keep watch Mistrie. He looks exhausted from being on the lam. What a boy. We are glad he is headed home to his family. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO
Wow Edsel got to hang out wif Mistrie. That's so cool.
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