The Meezers, Miles and Sammy, brought Trixie over last night, to get cool in the Big Piney Woods; and more exciting news, Abby and Boo are coming today!! Here we are waiting for their arrival. It is going to be a great time; come on over anycats, it is 74 degrees today.

Here is Mistrie, hurrying to meet her friends.
YAY! It's so cool here and we can't wait to climb the climbing tree wif Mistrie!
And I can't wait to yowl my head off in the woods! (Miles)
We all are here under the hemlocks, in Hemlock Haven (Mistrie's spot) Anycat can come visit, that is where we will be until we go climb the climbing tree and then Miles has challenged all cats to a yowling contest. Abby and Boo are here, and of course The Meezers and Trixie (who is napping with Mittens right now.) Momma said we could be outside today. Yeah...
Patches Lady
Oh boy oh boy this is so refreshing. I cannot believe how bee-tee-ful it is and how lovely. Oh look Abby there's Sammy ofver there....
Hi my Sweetest Blue-eyed Sammys!
Oh look there's Mistrie wif Miss Patches and Mittens! HI GIRLS!!
Let's all go have some fun!
Hi my sweet Abby! Are you and Boo going to join us climbing? - Sammy
Oh, I forgotted - I brought some temptations treats that I has been hiding at home. - Miles
Those temptation treats are the best!! I am sending Momma into town later to pick up some fresh nip. She said she would get a ball and net so we can play catmiton, too.
Patches Lady
Oh that sounds furry fun. It's not too hot here now, which is good but I like the big piney woods. Mistrie and the girls are such good hostesses!
Stoopid Momma, catmiton doesn't have a ball, volleyball does. She said she would get both...volleyball and catmiton.
Hi glad you could make, come on into Hemlock Haven and rest from your journey.
Momma took the comment moderation thing off for today, makes it faster.
does we get to play catmiton wif a real birdie? - Miles
I asked Momma.........she scowled at me and said NO real loud! So I guess not, Miles...
Oh well, I wasn't gonna eat it or anyfing, I just wanted to hear it skwak. - Miles
Hi Gemini!
Oh boy let's play dis catmition. It looks like a lot of fun. I likes to bat things around.
Oh Sammy those tempations are so good!
Miss Patches, Boo said she was admiring your bee-tee-ful coat. She says it is furry purrty.
::Patches smiles widely::
Thank you Boo, I so appreciate the compliment.
Let's go look for goosey fev-vers. I think Momma took them all, but you never know.......look..look...the gooseys are eating the corn.
::points with paw in the direction of the geese::
I'll try not to hit anyone in the head playing catmiton - sometimes i'm a little un-ko-or-di-nated. like yesterday, i stretched and falled off the couch. - Miles
Momma said the raccoon was here last night and washed something in Mistrie's clean water bowl! It was all full of sand this morning. I think it would be fun to chase, if he comes around. Momma doesn't care, she wants him gone!
wow, those goosies are really big in purrson!
Miles, I think it is because you are still little. Do you know your left from your right now? Mittens thought it might be fun to Hokey Pokey later on. I see her and Trixie are napping.
most of the time I 'amember my left from my right. I just look at my paws and pikshur the sticker there and 'amember that it's on my left paw. right?
Yes, and the goosey will chase you. It chases Mistrie and she runs real fast. They get attitudes.
Yup, you are right Miles. You have really matured since the last Hokey Pokey. Are you working out?
they don't sound like nice birdies! - Miles
I has to go check on Trixie and see if she needs anyfing. I'll be right back out. - Sammy
I chase Sammy around the house like my butt is on fire efurry day, and I jump up and down on mommy at night to make my legs stronger. I'm trying to be buff. Mommy says if I eats too much ham, I will turn into a little piglet and get all fat. - Miles
I has nefur seen a goosey a'fore.
Wow they make funny sounds.
Miles you are lookin buff right now! I can see you get lots of x-er-cisin!
Momma has put out stinky goodness on the end of the deck, with fresh waters. After we eat, lets all go to the climbing tree and then Miles, we would like to hear you yowl! After that Momma suggests napping for a bit. She will bring back the games and the fresh nip for us. She is going into the rain machine now and then to town.
oh boy - stinky goodness! i has to get strength for my yowling and climbing! - Miles
Boo- fank you for saying that I look buff! *blush*. - Miles
YAY! Stinky goodness I am starvin'! Fank you Miss Patches. You are such a gracious hostess. I am furry sleepy too after teleportin a naps would be good. Maybe Sammy will snuggle up close...*blush
Boo said she would like to meet Miss Trixie and Mistrie. I fink she went searchin for them. She's probably already nappin wif them if she has found them.
Hi guys!! Wow, look wat a big parteeeeee in the nise cool woods! It's furry hot in Norf Carolina and efen tho we don't go owtside, we wanted to come visit efurrycat and play and climb. Buddy wants to climb and climb the tree and I want yowwwww oooooowwwwwwwwww owwwwl with Miles!! Mom sez she thinks I have some meezer in me cos of the way I yowl!
Hi Finny and Buddy! Glad you camed!
Abby - I would love to cuddle wif you in the nap pile after the stinky goodness. *blush* - Sammy
Welcome Finny and Buddy! Make yourself at home; Momma is hollering at me cuz she needs to get rained on in the rain box. Then she is going to town and buy us some fun stuff. She says she should be back about noon PST.
YAY! Anofurr yowler! We should yowl a duet Finny! - Miles
Hi Finny and Buddy!
That will be terrific Miles if you and Finny do a yowl duet. Boo and I are furry quiet poodins so we would like to see who can yowl the loudest.
Finny, whatdoyafink?
More fun stuffs later on.
YAY this is so much fun!
Oh Sammys I will dream sweet dreams wif you snuggled up next to me.
::Sammy wakes up, sees Abby cuddled up next to him, starts purr motor and goes back to sleep::
:::Abby purrs very softly next to Sammys:::
all is well wif the poodins in the Big Piney Woods.
oh I love nap piles. - Miles
hey Finny? Finny? you awake? ::pokes Finny wif a paw:: - Finny? wanna go into the big piney woods and praktice yowling? - Miles
Momma just got back from the town and she brought a catmiton set and a volleyball set. She has set them up over where the 'limpics stadium was. She also put out a bunch of catnip on the deck to eat and roll in. Cmon........wake up....
::Thinking to herself::
Abby and Sammy are so cute together.
oh boy oh boy - if there's one fing that's better than a nap pile, it's a NIP pile! - Sammy
Patches, will you be my catmiton partner? - Sammy
Wow! It looks like you're having a house full of company. Everyone stay cool!
Oh, yes, Sammy.....hey, if Momma isnt looking lets use a REAL birdie!!!
Hey Crew, can you stay and play and eat and have catfun with us??
Mittens Pollypaws
hahaha, i wonder if we can use a goosie? - Sammy
hahaha. there's an echo in here!
I think them goosies am too big, Sammy, it would break the rackits. But a sparrow, aha, purrfect....Oh, oh, here comes Momma, look innocent, can you do that?
Wow, would you listen to that!! What vocal cords! Amazing!!
I bet Big Foot left the woods!!
::bats big blue eyes:: Hi Calico Mom! Fanks for getting the catmiton set. This game is fun! ::twirls around Calico Mom's ankles and purrs::
Hey Mistrie - can we go buggie hunting? I bet you know where the bestest buggies are!
Oh,my Sammy, aren't you the sweetest cat. If I didn't know better, I would think you were up to something.
Calicomom Toni
Sure, come on Miles, the log by the pond is the bestest place. There are dragon monster flies. They are a ton of fun.
mongster flies! WAAAAYYY COOOOLLL! - Miles
Oh, Trixie, I see you woke up. Come on, Momma put some nip over here {points big toes in the direction of the deck} and there is stinky goodness, if Miles didn't eat it all....oh, sorry, Momma says that kind of talk is rude...
Mittens Pollypaws
Don't worry Mittens, I usually steal his food. - Trixie
I like this game Patches! - Sammy
Hey euffyrone - me and Sammy is going to go home for a little while to check on the heat and see if mommy needs anyfing. We will leave trixie here for now if that's ok. - Miles
Miss Trixie and Miss Mistrie and Boo are havin a nice time sharing stories wif each utter.
Patches Lady you sure know how to make a poodin feel right at home!
This has been a wonderful afternoon visit wif efurryone!
Mittens will take good care of Trixie...they are napping again.
We are so glad you all came!
Hello everyone! I hope I am not too late to join in the festivities! I brought some tuna treats in order to make up for my late arrival! :)
WELCOME Zeus!! No, the cooldown party is going on till everyone gets tired. Thanks for the tuna!
Come and play volleyball, we need another kitty on our team.
Patches Lady
I'd love to play volleyball! Who's all on our team? :)
Zeus, seems everyone gotted tired and they went under the trees to nap. That is where everyone is for the time being, so come on, we can always visit and Momma put out nip. We can get crazy!!
Patches Lady
Sounds good to me! However, I will refrain from the nip. You know how I am about those things. It just doesn't do anything for me unfortunately. :(
Yes, Zeus, to be honest, I am like that, Mittens is the real crazy one! Mistrie, there are treats and stinky goodness (if it hasn't all been eaten) If it has Momma can just put more out!
Momma says I need to be quiet for a while now and we can visit, cuz she says it is "Dr Phil time"
Curls up beside Patches and Mittens...
Dr. Phil is a good show! We can watch and snack on some treats!
Hi efurryone - we're back. Mommy was a little sick from the heat so we hadded to purr on her for a few minutes. it's soo nice and cool here. - Sammy and Miles
Mittens and Trixie are sleeping. Zeus and I have been visiting. Mistrie has curled up with Mittens and Trixie. Time for a snack, Miles and Sammy. It was good of you to curl up with your Momma, that is number one!!
Fank you so much for the snacks Patches and Calico Mom. You are furry nice to us. - Miles/
Thats cuz you are such nice polite kitty meezers.
Momma says she has never met a cat she didn't like! I think it is she never met a cat she didn't love/want.
Our mommy too - she can tame some of the werst behaved kitties. not that we're werst behaved.
Hey Zeus, did your mommy solve your puppy prollem?
we has to get going back to mommy - the house is cooler and she's not feeling well eifurr. we needs to purr on her for a while. Fank you so much for the wonderful time. Calico Mom, fank you so much for the food and treats and nip.
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