Be the 20,000th visitor and win!! All you have to do is send a comment, saying you are number 20,000 and your email address, so Momma can write to you. That is all there is to it, and YOU may win......
The counter is in the side bar, scroll way down.
Mittens Pollypaws
Hint: You have to wait an hour if you have visited, before the counter will change for you.
19876 - we'll stop back later!
hi Mittens my bestest furriend! - Trixie
Even if we're not #20,000, we're STILL winners 'cuz we get to see you pretty girls!
Tilly and Toby
19894. Cheysuli will be pinging it and looking from time to time. She REALLY wants to win!
19,900 only 100 more to go.
I'll be back later.
... and counting! :)
19,945 - getting closer but not there yet!
(pssst - would you guys write to me anyway, even if i don't win? i love gettin' mail in my very own name
19977. not yet. somecat will prolly gets it tonight.
You gotta wait an hour between checking? Is that like waiting an hour after eating before swimming?
Getting closer 19,979. Some kittie will get it overnight. Mum will turn off the 'puter over night. So I won't be able to check.
19981. That's OK, though--it's fun visiting even without a special number!
We'll visit you any time! Gree says hi to Mistrie. Mom got some new piktures of Gree and Pepi today and Gree's hopin they come out good. She'll let you know when they're ready on the blog, but Mom was busy tonight getting the Squillions into their carriers safe for their trips to their new homes. Your pikture is sooooooooo purrty, Mittens. And so is the one before of Patches with her tongue out, very cute!
Good morning - 19989 and counting!
Oooooo, it's gonna be soon! It says we are 19995!!!
Congrats to whoever wins!
Finny & Buddy
20,000!!! Its says 20,000!!
It's me!
Yay, Rascal! I got 20,001!!
it's fun to have contests!
20010! That is sad, I missed it!
we had no 'puter yesterday on account of the Lady's hard drive broke. we don't unnerstan what that means cause we know she has a hard drive effurryday to an from work, an we know that she's broke, but we doesn't know why all that stopped our 'puter from workin. anyway, she's had a whole pile of new parts an effun a new case which we've enjoyed layin on fur months an so she finally had ta get off her butt an put our new 'puter together but we missed your contest ::more pouting::
well, congratulations on 20,000! that's a furry big number an you girls are all the way popular cause you're so smart an sweet!
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