I have invested all your squillions, per your requests. We are a diversified group. (Momma said something about diversifying your port foly oh.)
The picture shows me trying on some cat jewelry from a company called Feline Flair . They were wondering if anyone would be interested in investing in their product. To be fair, I tried on the earrings so you can see what they look like. They are very lightweight, which is a nice feature. I told them I would get back to them. I thought immediately of Midnight, as she wants to become a super model, and they are looking for young, black, female, cats right now.
Cocoa suggested getting a nip farm going. That might be better than my bottled water scheme, which is drying up; no pun intended. I guess we could get the nip farm going here in the Big Piney Woods, we have the land and can use the pond for irrigation. Do any of you know a nipologist I can contact?
If you are interested in one or both of these, please let me know.

i, being a handsome young man, am not interested in earrings, no. but, that nip farm sounds good, only tho if your Mom isn't stuck doin' all the work 'cause that wouldnt be fair
The nip farm has potential. After all, when I get cars running on catnip, we'll need all the farms we can get--and of course existing farms will corner the market for awhile!
Bubbles thinks a nip farm is a great idea. His friend Farley already wants to put in an order. Bubbles would like to invest $1.84 in the nip farm, and says he will put the bitey on his Mommy for more change.
Dahling those are lovely earrings!
It should be an organic nip farm. Organic is big right now.
Yoo luk vary mraw mraw pretty with yer earrings!
A gud nipologest is Rocky the gutter cat. He speshalizes in catmint. nip! nip! nip! nip! nip! nip! nip! nip! nip! nip! nip! nip! nip!
Hi CalicoGirls and CalicoMom. I'm sorry that the poodin videos I posted are furry slow to download out in the lovely Big Piney Woods. I sometimes forget that some poodins don't have high speed internet. I'm furry sorry for that!
Oh FFC for Feline Finance Counselor -- we loves that! Loves the jewelry. The nip farm sounds like a real money maker though.
I want PINK earrings! I want PINK earrings! I want PINK earrings!
Ohhh! Those earrings are quite beautiful! Do you have matching jewelled collars also? I'm very interested in your idea! My favorite human, the Quiet Girl, has a pig shaped container with coins inside. I bet I could get that little black plug outta it's tummy with my sharp claws...
NIP FARM! me wants ta be Qual-itty Con-troll In-speck-ter! an i'll do it fur free too!
The Blonde Girl is extremely messy and leaves change around all the time. I'll come up with some $$ to invest also.
I'm way too macho for earrings, but nip? KITTY CRACK!!!!! Ooohyeah!
don't know Patches... you don't look really happy about those earrings, maybe the nip is a better deal.
I know I can never wear the earrings because I am always scooting thru the garden and other places and they would hang up on me. might tear my ears...
Rokon...(sneaking out of here.. we have strangers in our house this weekend, so I am scooting back to the garden to hide.)
The earrings are furry pretty, but I'd be tempted to swat them, an Mom says "no" when I swat her necklace or earrings or ofur things danglin.
Maybe I can help with "seed money" fur the nip farm, or at least seeds. Catnip grows wild in our yard an pops up in a different place efurry year. I'll ask Mom to clip and bag sum of the flowers so we can send them to you.
Dear CC girls, You have all been cat-tagged! Please stop by my Meowmie's blog real soon, for full details.
we has money to invest in the nip farm. is $3.32 cents enuff to start wif? let us know.
yuki & kimiko
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