Lovely Luna, from Spain, escaped when her Momma took her to the vet. Because of the ineptness of the vet, Luna is now out in the big forest, alone and lonely. The site is in Spanish, so Momma doesn't know the particulars, just that we all need to put our paws together for Luna's Momma and Daddy and hope for a miracle. We here, in the Big Piney Woods, are very worried and sad.

Oh no Still missing???? Luna Come home!!!
oh no, it's been lots of days - mommy is furry angry about this happening. we are so furry worried about Luna.
We are so worryd too! Little Miss Luna is so sweet, she tries furry hard to meow English to all of us and she's so purrty and she was born on mom bean's birfday! And she's just a little girly cat, she shoodn't be owt in the woods all by herself. Pleeeeeeese come to yore mama, Miss Luna! Don't be scared of her, she loves you and wants to take good care of you for allways.
Love Finny & Buddy
Poor Luna. We's furry worried bout her. We hopes she comes back safely to her mum soon.
Such a beautiful cat. This makes us feel so very sad. It makes us feel anxious so we can only imagine how terribly devastated her humans must feel. Poor poor Luna all alone out there. We pray that God will keep her safe and bring her back to her family.
We am furry saddend by this too!! We're keeping them in our prayers too.
Beau Beau is hafin a sit in to hold paws and purray for Luna. Come on ofur and get in his box wif us and hold paws!
~~ Sanjee
Our Lady was horrified by this tragedy and wanted to know more details, so she asked the spanish speaking lady from Guatemala in her office to read and see if there was anything more to learn. The other lady said it appeared that the vet in Spain picks up animals and had opened the car door to let a dog in. Luna was scared and escaped. The vet didn't even wait for Luna's mom and dad to get there. He just left her things with the dog's owner. Plus, it doesn't appear that the vet is helping. This is what the lady in our momma's office said. The pictures where Luna was saying goodbye to her toys make us cry.
Sending many purrs & concerns out to Luna and family.
Purrs - Your friends over @ the Kitty Cats Corner
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