I spent the day with
Trixie, of the Meezers. She has been feeling poorly and her eye sight is failing her. We had a nice, long talk and she told me how she misses Grandpa Norton. She told me about the "good old days" and how her and Grandpa Norton came to live in their furrever home. I left feeling very sad. Trixie didn't want me to go, but I told her my Momma needs me now, too. I told her she can come anytime, but I don't know if she is up to it, so I am going to go back again, real soon. I love you, Trixie.
Here I am, thinking about the nice day I had. Thanks to MeezerMom for all the goodies. It was so good to see Sam and Miles, too.
Mittens sweetie - I am so glad you came to visit yesterday. Trixie was glad to have you there with her. She wanted me to tell you to not be sad for her - she is getting old, and all of this is expected. It makes me sad too Mittens.
Oh, and you don't have to take the blame for Sammy knocking things off the table. He's not really in trouble - sometimes I just need him to think he is so that he stops doing it for a while. You're a good friend to try and take the blame.
You can come over anytime you want (and Patches too) - you don't have to ask. - Meezers Mom Mary
Mittens you are such a good furiend to Trixie. It is so nice that you have time to visit and help out with her.
Mittens it was so sweet of you to visit with Miss Trixie. I am sure she wuz happy to have your company.
You are so furry nice to Miss Trixie. She is lucky to have friends like you who love her so much. And she has Miles who takes good care of her too. She is a lovely lady.
how great fur sweet Trixie ta haf such a good furrend like you! we seen yur purrty pic-shure on Kat's Cat of the Day (YAY!) but the commenty thing wasn't workin when we was there. we're gonna try again in a minnit.
our Lady's wonnering 'bout yur siggy-chure. she says it purrty an she asked what kinda "font" it is but we doesn't know what she's talkin 'bout really
Mittens you reely are a kind kitty to go visiting Miss Trixie. you are a furry good furriend to her.
That was furry nice of you Mittens to be so attendin' to yur friend Trixie. She's a tough yet sweet girl hangin' in there in her twilight years. That's when it's so good to still have fur friends who care.
You're a great friend!! Fanks for your kind thoughts for our Mimi. Momma and Daddy are sad 'bout it. We'll be keepin' your Momma in our thoughts and prayers for her surgery.
~Meeko & Kiara
Mittens! I just saw that you're Kat's Cat of the Day! Concatulations. Sorry I didn't see it or say it earlier. Hooray!!!
Calico Girls, Won't you come out tonight, come out tonight, come out tonight
You are a very good friend and a true treasure amongst the cat bloggers and their people.
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