I have been talking to Momma about my bank account, or lack thereof. See,
William, The Tiny Boy, has squillions of money, and I wonder if he is investing it wisely. Momma says, if William was smart, which I am sure he is, he would set up some sort of lucrative business, like loan sharking. I am sure plenty cats would like to borrow money for things like toy mice, nip, fev-vers, stinky goodness, treats; stuff like that. Maybe I should be his investment counselor. Yes, all I need is paper, pen, and a sophisticated look.
O.K. Got paper, pencil and I am definitely sophisticated in my new hat. Now, I am waiting for Squillionaire William to call me.
Patches Lady
Patches, I have 27 cents that I will let you invest for me. I know it's not the squillions William has, but I would like to make more frough investments. - Sammy
Toby is quite wealthy, but he doesn't share. Anytime you see a company with the name " Parker" in it, he's at least a part owner. However, I've never actually seen ANY of his so-called millions.
I like your hat.
Cheysuli is thinks your hat is furry fashionable. She said she'd be happy to give you some independent advice, as she's working on investing her campaign funds so that they grow for next year. She's hoping to double her $10...
ooooh - my fav-rit stuffs ta put the bitey on...flowers, ribbons, pencil an paper....umm...sorry...what was ya sayin?
Now Bubbles and Mrs. B wants to know where their money is. Thanks a lot!
Wul, I tried to get sum money to infest wif you, but Mom wouldn't let me. She said it's the boy's all-ow-ants and efun tho I found it an could pick up the bag all by myself, she made me leaf it alone cuz it's the boy's. She efun called me a Cat Burglar!
Patches - you are such a sweetie in your lovely hat! :)
Wow Patches, you look a real Lady in that hat, are you related to royalty?
If we had any spare munny we would giv it to you to invest. In the UK we haf savings plans that are called "CAT standard ISA's" so we fought that was the best fing furr us.
Patches, that is indeed a beautiful hat. It does you give you a "Royal" look. Has HRM Emily or the Young Royals seen this hat. Emily is sure to want one. And a smaller one for Princess Marigold.
where do you keep your funds?
Patches if you can blog then you have to learn to use what mum calls a spreadsheet. Guess its a 'puter thing the does number stuff. Faster than pencil and paper.
Plus, you need a green eye shade to be a really good accounter.
Invest yur money wisely. Tell William to look into a good fund fur you.
Wow....that's just the type of hat Ive been looking for, for working in the garden etc...please do tell, where did you get your glorious chapeau??? That's french btw....Headbonks, The Mitz
Is that really you Patches?? Sure do look purrty. What the heck is money.
How timely, Patches! We definitely need to plan. Mom found me another cent today!
P.S. You look so charming in your hat! And you look like you have on gloves, too! Are you a secret Kelly Girl?
I'm not sure I know what money is. Can you eat it?
Ooh, this is very exciting.
Wow, that's a reely nice hat! And yoo look reely nice in it.
I'm pritty shoor my peeple are squillyunairs becuz they have a hyooj jar of munney they keep full of silver and gold munneys. I often walk by it win I'm gitting into stuff at 4am. I can probly git sum for yoo to invest in ham and bacon.
My good frend Bonnie Underfoot sugjested that maybe my outside frend Rocky cood yooze sum investmint advice frum yoo. He gits a lot of credit card invitayshuns in the male and shood be a sqwillyunair any day now. Wood me and Bonnie git a referul fee if Rocky invests with yoo? And if he givs yoo all his munney to invest, does that meen that he won't have munney to buy me a berthday presint?
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