Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Present For Dad
Yes, Momma, what is it?" I asked in my softest voice. I could tell she was upset by the crackly tone in her voice; it was too high and spikey.
"What is this," she asked............. no, she demanded to know. Her arms were crossed and she was pointing at my "statement" with her toe.
"Mittens did it," I whispered as I felt my tail growing.
"Patches, I KNOW you did it, you have done it before, two other times to be exact. When Daddy goes fishing and stays overnight. Don't give me that innocent look."
"Max told me to do it," I explained, as I felt my tail move on it's own.
"Dont blame Max," she almost shouted at me."
"Maybe Mistrie got in and did it," I said, a little louder. I could feel my tail growing longer.
She just looked at me, shook her head, and got a paper towel.
Oh, well, I always wanted a long tail, like Buddah.
Patches Lady
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Raising Squirrels
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
4th Of July

Here are the Pet Uneas. Momma started the plant from a tiny bedding plant from the greenhouse. The Pet Uneas grow daily and require more care than a baby, Momma says.

Momma says they can all camp here in the Big Piney Woods! Problem solved....
Patches Lady
P. S. Some of you asked about us going camping. I go, no problem, but Mittens would rather stay home. Momma promised me that sometime she will tell you about our trips south in the winter.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Yard Work

Yesterday, Daddy was riding on the big grass eating monster. When it would get full, he would dump it's stomach (It has two of them, they are black and you can see everything it eats!!!) and then get back on, so it could gobble more. (Counter productive if you ask me.)

Sunday, June 25, 2006
Gree Is Coming
Gree is coming to visit! Her Momma let us know last night to expect her today. Mistrie is waiting and very excited. Gree is one of Mistrie's new bestest friends (along with Princess Mia.)
The following events are planned:
1. Watching fish in the big pond.
We need to send healing thoughts and prayers to Grandma at House of the (Mostly) Black Cats on Tuesday. She is having some sort of heart thingy done. We wish her well and know all our friends will join us.
Patches Lady
Saturday, June 24, 2006

Later on, after they finally got up, I attacked Mittens, who was on her chair under the dining room table. I actually pounced on her and she set up the worst kind of fuss ever. Of course, Momma came running and shouted at me, and clapped her hands together, getting really cross, yelling at me to stop it. I am so misunderstood......
Patches Lady
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Let's all send healing love purrs to Meezer Mom..
Momma Toni
Friday, June 23, 2006
Thinking To Myself

Mom: OK, Patches, what do you want?
Patches: Please give me and Mittens and Mistrie extra stinky goodness because we have been so good.
Mom: No, once a day.
Patches: (thinking to myself) I shall walk all over her tonight.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Long Days
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Catolympic Pictures
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Mistrie's New Friends

On a more serious note, Mistrie brought a dead bat and put it by the back door sometime in the night. Momma says this is not good, she worries about rabies. Momma read, though, that the bat has to bite you.......rabies is carried in the saliva.
Patches Lady
Monday, June 19, 2006
Catolympic Medals

I won a gold in tub soccer. It was most unexpected because I only signed up for that at the last minute. Momma and all us girls want to congratulate everyone that participated in the games. Also, how much fun we had hosting it. She also wants to thank everyone who helped pull it all together and make it such an exciting event.
She says, if you want, she will personalize your medal too, like she did mine. Just email her the following: (Our email address is in the sidebar, under our profile)
Winner's Name
Medal Color
Size (Large or Small)
Momma put mine in the sidebar next to the catolympic banner.
Please go read FINAL THOUGHTS on the Catolympic Site.
Patches Lady
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Lighting Ceremony Pictures
Some of our runners pose under the cauldron.
Left to Right: Max, Beau, Smeagol, Mistrie, Timmy, Miles, Mattingly
Seated: Egypt and Mia
Friday, June 16, 2006
A Visit With Max
Max was so excited, he couldn't contain himself, as he told us about all his adventures on the highway. Max swung through Boise and was met by Jim Risch, the newly appointed governor. He stayed for lunch, wondering why picketers were outside the capital building. Mr. Risch said something about "property tax evaluations and people upset," but wouldn't elaborate. Max was most impressed with Hell's Canyon on the Oregon/Idaho border and even stopped at a roadside farmers market to price Idaho spuds for his Mom. Here you see how excited he was. He was too excited to eat!!
Momma gave him some petting and he finally calmed down.
He was pretty tired, so had a nice long nap.
After he napped, the four of us got together on the stairs; Mistrie even came in.
(Max has taught us a lot. He is one crazy cat!!!)
The lighting ceremony is tonight. For a full report, go to the Catolympics site and watch the lighting of the torch at 6PM PST. Follow the Catolympic games there.
Patches Lady
Thursday, June 15, 2006
The Torch Is Here!!!
Yipee, the torch arrived. After many miles and many cats passing it on, it finally has arrived at it's final destination. Here are pictures as things unfolded.
Mittens and Patches wait patiently.
Mistrie hears lots of noise as Max and an entourage of excited participants, family and friends enter the Big Piney Woods.
Max, oh have arrived!!!!! Mistrie takes the torch over to the main Catolympic Center where the cauldron is. She will set it in a holder until tomorrow night's lighting ceremony.
After safely putting the torch in it's holder, we welcomed Max with lots of stinky goodness, fresh water, and crunchies. Full report on Max's visit tomorrow. We hope Max will stay here rather than teleporting home, until after the nap-a-thon.
Great News Update About Edsel's Mom~~~ SHE IS HOME!!!

Patches and Mittens told me today is the day! This is so exciting; imagine the torch coming to me!!! Imagine!! What an honor.
I am patroling the yard, making sure it is in tip-top shape for all the company. I have warned the geese to be on their best behavior, they tend to poop all over the place. They are molting right now, I had to pick up feathers they dropped all over.
Stay Tuned.......
Mistrie Rose
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Is He Here Yet?

Mom: What are you girls doing?
Patches: Watching for Max. Will he come through that snow?
Mom: You are looking North, he will be coming from the South, from sunny Catifornia. You are still a day early anyway, he won't be here until tomorrow.
Patches: How many naps is that, Momma?
Mom: Oh, it depends, probably about eight.
Patches: Lets go take one, Mittens, then it will only be seven.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006

All of us in the Big Piney Woods will be thinking of Edsel's Mom, Sue, today. Leave us a comment here, if you joined in the healing/prayer chain. I will send a copy of this post to her, when she if feeling better.
Here are the times:
lst........5:00 PST; 6:00 MST; 7:00 CST; 8:00 EST (Time surgery is to start)
2nd......10:00 PST; 11:00 MST; 12:00 CST; 1:00 p.m. EST
Anytime you wish, if you can't make these times.
Toni Momma
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Healing/Prayer Chain
Edsel's Mom is having her surgery tomorrow. I just heard back from her regarding time of surgery. The following are the times (AM): healing/prayer chain tomorrow at 7:00 CST. That is 5:00 PST; 6:00 MST and 8:00 EST. Let's all send healing vibes to her, whatever your belief. Light a candle, say a prayer, cuddle your kitty and think of her. I hope everyone reading this participates. We hope you join us, if you do, leave a comment in tomorrow's post. Together, all of us.....will heal Edsel's Mom!!!
Because that is so early here in the West, lets make it an all day healing/prayer chain if you can't commit to the time above.
- lst........5:00 PST; 6:00 MST; 7:00 CST; 8:00 EST (Time surgery is to start)
- 2nd......10:00 PST; 11:00 MST; 12:00 CST; 1:00 p.m. EST
- Anytime you wish, if you can't make these times.
Saturday, June 10, 2006

Look into my eyes, Momma........
You are feeling sleepy.......
When I count to three, you will be under my spell... Now get me a can of salmon, please...
Oh dear......I just hypnotized myself, darn mirror.
At the count of three, I won't remember anything and be ready for a nap.
Patches Lady
Friday, June 09, 2006

Momma, I was talking to Mistrie, through the screen door, yesterday, as she was cozy in her round bed. She asked me when is it going to be the 16th, the day for Max to come and bring the torch. I forget, Momma......when is it, again? How many more naps? It seems like it is taking forever.
Mittens Pollypaws
Thursday, June 08, 2006

Mistrie happened to find them; she introduced herself and talked them into leaving their post so she could show them around, just like some of you thought! I guess she showed them the Catolympics track, the cauldron and the climbing tree. Then she took them out on the log that Dad did the cowboy lasso on and showed them how she can jump out on it. She also showed them some secret hunting techniques.
The picture of them is at the start of the path to Mistrie's secret hide-e-hole. Momma scooped them up and brought them in the house and decided they will only go out when she can watch them. I could take them out and watch them, Momma........please!
They are very quiet and shy. We are glad they have each other, with everything so new and strange.
Patches Lady
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Gone Missing

Patches Lady
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
They Came, They Came!!!

Sunny and Cloudy arrived yesterday. Momma unpacked them from their kennels and we got our first glimpse of them.

Exciting news; there was a package of treats for us!

Thank you so much, Victor and Bonnie and Jennifer Mom, too!! We love them and will find a really nice hang-out for them. Thanks also, for the yummy treats.

You guys are real special. Oh, and Momma checked and said they were both girls. She was kind of hoping there was one of each and she could raise a litter or two.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Watching & Waiting

It is a sad state of affairs, but we don't have a Green Wall Garden Ornament Shelter. Momma says the town isn't big enough to support one, although we do have a place Momma calls Wally World that has a Garden Shelter. She says they have bears holding welcome signs. I don't know......I dont think I would go into a place that had a bear at the door. Also, there is a mystical place that sells gnomes and crystals. The parents buy barks from them. I can't imagine anyone buying barks; they should at least get the woofie to go with it. (I wonder if they sell meows, too.)
There is a Chicken here that was fried in Kentucky. I think I might like that.
Patches Lady
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Chew Queen

Patches Lady
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Pet Unea

Patches Lady
Friday, June 02, 2006
Are You Asleep???

Edsel's Mom is having surgery on the 12th, but she won't know until the 9th the time; when we find out, we will let you know what time the healing chain will be. Mark your calendar. Go visit Edsel's blog to see a lovely picture of her and leave a happy note.
Patches Lady