Saturday, May 26, 2007

A Mystery Starring Mistrie

The other night Momma had to cuver her plants with towels cuz she thought it might freeze. In the morning, she found, two of them had been slept on. One was in a pot, the other was under a tree. She said the plants were mashed and there was furs on the towel. I am bestigating; comparing fur samples and talking to suspects. When I in-terror-gated Mistrie she said, " purrr, purr, purrr." She is my number one suspect, actually, my only suspect. Don't you think she looks guilty?

~Detective Patches~


Parker said...

I do believe you have found the furry guilty party!

Hot(M)BC said...

It couldn't have been me. I wasn't visiting that night. Really. Oh and Mistrie was visiting me that night. Yeah. Yeah, that's it.

Milton said...

I don't understand why this might be a crime. Don't the beans put quilts & blankies & towels & beds where they want us to sleep?



Shaggy and Scout said...

Beezer has an excellent point! Blankets & stuff laying around like that mean "come sleep here".
Mistrie is innocent!! Even though that look is on the sly side....

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Yeah... what's the big deal? If a cat wants to sleep in the flowers, then a cat's gotta sleep in the flowers! Especially if there's a blanket or towel on them.

Has your weather warmed up? Hope you have a nice holiday weekend.

sher said...

As a former attorney, I can only tell you not to say a word Mistrie. All the evidence is weak. Just keep looking adorable. No jury in the world would convict you!

Anonymous said...

Detective Patches, do you need help investigating? Since I'll be coming from Kitty Colorado, I will need plenty of stinky and crunchy goodness and lots of napping time for thinking and 'vestigating. Just wondering?

The Meezers or Billy said...

we agree that towels means "sleep here" and we agree that Mistrie might look guilty. However, FREE MISTRIE ROSE!!!

Good bestigation Patches!

Victor Tabbycat said...

What else are towels for but sleepin? An if it was cold enuf the flowers mite freeze, Mistrie mighta froze, too! Would you rather haf warm flowers an a cold kitty?

We tagged all you girls in yet anofur meme, True Confessions. Come see! Purrs!

Just Ducky said...

If and I do mean if, Mistrie was sleeping on the towels. She was trying to help keep the little plants warm with her body heat. She was trying to help.

I agree, towels and blankies mean places to sleep.

Free Mistrie.

Hot(M)BC said...

Free Mistrie! Towels and blankies are natural sleeping spots for cats, so even IF she did it, it's only natural.
Thanks for joining us at WCB #103.
Boni Maroni and Mini

Daisy said...

I agree with Derby - Mistrie was just trying to keep the little plants warm!


DK & The Fluffies said...

If there is a blanket, it's an invitation to nap!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Awww she looks too sweet and pretty to be guilty of anything!

Besides, I have to say I'm with Beezer, a towel is an automatic invite to sleep there!!!

Zoey and the furballs said...

If the fur doesn't fit, you must acquit!

Kitikata-san said...

Not Guilty! Meow!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Mistrie does look guilty, but she definitely can't be blamed. Towels are very comfortable sleeping spots, so of course she had to lie on them!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

It would be furry hard to not lay on a towel. It's sort of like an .. invitation!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo can not punish Mistrie, yoor mom created an "attractive nuisance" when she put the towels out. Mistrie had a reasonable expektashun dat dey were for her sleeping comfort. Besides, the plants will grow back.