An Eastern Philospher once said the way to spend a perfectly lovely day was to do nothing and rest afterwards. I think that quote was mine, and he stole it; after all we felines spend 30 percent of our time grooming and 16 hours a day sleeping.
Patches Lady
30% grooming? Uh oh, I don't fink we spend that much time grooming.
Funny, Mom told me the same fing. She read it on a calendar wif a pretty pictor of a ginger kitty in orinch poppies. I don't fink woofies haf inspired so many fillosophers as puddins.
You look furry pretty resting there Patches Lady. It's good to have you back, though it was nice to hear from Mittens!
Shame on your momma Patches! But...us humans have to post sometimes too. You are such a beauty Patches, and Emma loves your quote!
You know, Patches, I see absolutely nothing wrong with that philosophy. Grooming & resting are 2 things we cats do better than anyone else!
Your mum must have the same calendar as mine mum. But your mum beats mine to post about the thought of the day.
Sounds like good advice. I think I'll go take a nap now.
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