It has all sorts of things in it, toys, treats, nail clippers, wormer, flea medicine, my halter for going in the Big Outside, more toys. Mittens likes to sneak on over to it and put her rub on it when I don't know it. Momma gave me that basket when I was the ONLYONE.
The neigbor lady, Jeannie, made it for me; well she made it for Momma, and Momma gave it to ME!!!
(It should be clear to everycat by now; the basket is MINE! )
Patches Lady
it's a really nice basket, and it has some really cool stuff in it. Maybe your mom could get one just for Mittens so that she doesn't haf to put her stinky rub on yours anymore.
That IS a nice basket. Mom bought one fur me, but I almost nefur use it because, you know, it's intended fur the cat an that's no fun. I suspect Victor mitea been in it yesturday, but he's runnin frum Mom's flashy box! Hmmm. Maybe Mom shuld put sum of Victor's squillians of toys in there.
Patches - i believe you. it is YOUR basket
Is that basket YOURS, Patches?
that's a furry nice basket an you has lotsa nice stuffs an you know where to find it an effurrything! our stuff's scattered around effurrywhere an the peoples trip on it.
It sure is nice to haf your own basket. It's a pretty basket too but could be used for girl or boy kitties it looks like. Our basket is pink. Yuk. Angie can haf it.
If Mittens gets to close to it, do what I do: give her a good thwap. It seems to work on the Brats so it should work for you. At the very least, try to get your mom to get her her own basket.
We have a basket that's ofurflowing wif toys that we don't play wif. We don't have sleeping baskets like some poodin's do.
It's hard when those "kitty-come-lately" types think they are so important that they have to put their stink on your stuff. Put your paw down and let Mittens have it next time she gets close!
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