Here is a picture of the Nasty Urchins. They did turn out kind of nice, I guess, and they smell good.(We would love to see pictures of your flowers.)
On a very sad note, another blogging kitty went to the Rainbow Bridge; Hara, of Hara and Lulu on........ Please visit and send lots of snuggles, headbutts and purrs. Lulu's Daddy needs them right now.
Patches Lady
purrty flowers! Our mommy has 4 gardens, but since she has been so sick this summer, they are in need of lots of werk.
Oh, we are so sad about Hara! So many kitties going to the bridge lately!
My woman has neglected the garden this year. Hel-lo! I can't tend the catnip myself!
We were sad about Hara, too. Too young!
Lulu was furry young to go. It is sad. You have a purty garden though, Patches Lady. You should demand to be allowed to enjoy it while your Momma tends it!
All we have is a big planter of ger-rainy-ums and mom keeps forgetting to water them so they look pretty pathetic.
I am always so in awe of your talent, Toni. I tried weeding my two front flower beds when I moved into this house, and it looked fine for awhile, but the ferns came back with a vengence. Now it looks like I never did anything, and I have no idea how I'll even plant anything. I'll take pictures of my ferns, though, since it's all I got! LOL! ;)
I too love flowers! I am a newbie though. I get it from my dad and I really started getting into it only 2 year ago. I do have a picture of one of my fave lilies. I'll send it to ya. Trying to get my hubby to finish making my new flower beds!!! Can't wait to plant in them! Going to Hara & Lulu's site now to pay my condolences. Don't know them and haven't made it to their site yet, but I know how hard it is losing a fuzz child.
Why are the urchins nasty? They look purrty to me.
Gree says to tell Mistrie hi. She's too hot to wiggle.
~~ Boni
What? They let you nap while they're in the garden? My humans always made me accompany them under the guise of "helping." The truth of the matter is that they required my supervision, though I don't know why Mom always yelled at me for attacking her teeny little plants. I like the looks of your Nasty Urchins as they look like they would be wonderful to hide amongst.
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