This is our cabin in the Big Piney Woods. We have 10 acres, but Momma never lets us out; only on supervision walks. We would love to see your home.
Oh, there were twin yearling bear cubs swimming and playing in the pond last night. Momma got pictures, through the glass, but they were pretty far away. She will get them off the flashy box and post them tomorrow, if they turned out.
***The pictures didn't turn out, they were black. We are disappointed....sorry....
Patches Lady
Our house isn't nearly as nice looking as that! I hardly ever get to go outside ... and I hate to say it, I'm a little afeared to go, anyway!
your property is very lovely. too bad the bear pictures didn't turn out, i was excited to see those
we live in a compartment...department...apartment...somefin like that...an it's not worth lookin at. plus we haf no yard. there's a balcony that we're not allowed ta go out on cause the neighbors might see us an tell the lanlord an we're not opposed ta be here in the furst place. we thinks your house is furry be-you-tea-full an we dreams of havin one like that someday. thank you fur showin it to us - purrs!
Benji says - Nice crib! That's nice house if you don't understand teenager talk! ;) It is beautiful! Emma also wishes she could of seen those baby bears! Bet they were adorable!
G, M & C - You are too funny! A compart...department...no apartment! LOL!
Yes the lovely spot in the Piney Woods. Nice spot and lovely to have visited during the Napathon and Catolympics.
Beanmom says it looks furry nice. I wish I had that much space outside. I only get to go out with a bean as well. Say hi to Mistrie!
It am furry pretty!! We have a small "yard". It's a little piece of grass in front of the townhouse. We can't go out alone eifur. When we do go....Kiara usually runs to the next door ouse and then gets grounded.
oh our house is not as nice as yours is - we lives in a duplex - 2 houses in one building. we has an upstairs and downstairs and a basement - it's big inside but kind of blah outside.
Oh, Mittens asked about what Trixie does when we has company - she plants herself next to the company for scritches just like Miles. I'm the only one who doesn't like people I don't know. - Sammy
You live on some lovely land, Patches and Mittens. It is very serene. I agree with the others that it's a shame your bear pictures didn't come out. I would have liked to see them as well.
I hope Gree and Mistrie had lots of fun with one another!
Are you sure they wasn't Big Foots in the pond? Big Foots are good at makin sure pictors don't come out.
Yur howse is furry pretty. What are the red/purple flowers on the left of the road? An is the white tree a birch? I lif on Birch Hill Drive, but we don't haf any birches that big.
I really like your cabin. I'd love to be inside and watch bears outside, but I don't think I'd want to be out there with them. I actually just posted the picture of the house we'll be moving in to in a few weeks over on my blog -- good timing, huh?
I leave watched excursion to the outside to conquer new territories too! muhahahahá!!
See and read =^.-^=
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