It is way to hot for anycat. It is way too hot for me, I know that. I just nap a lot and hope for a cooling breeze. Momma says it has been in the 90's everyday for quite sometime, very hot for us. The night of the 4th, I guess, Mother Nature was celebrating because she put on a huge show of her own. The thunder kept Momma awake for hours. I hid in the closet, as usual.
Patches said I can post for a few days! She is being very nice to me since I came back from my trip to The Meezers and Brandi. I need to go purr with Momma now.
Mittens Pollypaws
Oh, Mittens! I hope you don't melt in the heat! Haf you tried lying in the baftub? It's yousually cooler there.
Mittens, is it the heat, or the trip? You look all tuckered out.
Welcome home, Mittens. You look pooped. Hot is no fun because we wear our kitty coats all year long. We have a big box fan which sits on the floor for hot days. I like to lay in front of it to help keep cool.
It has been furry hot here too. Humans around here haff been spending a LOT of time in the pool....
It's cooler here so hopefully you will get the cooler weather soon. You sure are purty just laying there though!
I feel the same as you do. The weather has been terrible here the past few days, and I don't know which is worse: huge storms or lots of humidity.
oh my, i'm sorry it is so hot. we haven't even turned on our thing that makes the air cool. in fact, my Mom and the Dad are wearing long sleeve shirts over their t-shirts to keep warm. me, i just cuddle up in my down comforter and i'm happy as a clam (what does that mean, i heard it on the talking box. are clams really that happy??
Hi bestest furriend Mittens! I'm sorry it's so hot there for you. It's actually furry chilly here today. If you gets too hot, just come on back over here! - Your best furriend Trixie
You just have gotted the warm weather from us. It finally cooled down so we can sleepzz zzzz zzzzz.
It's hot here too in NJ but you wouldn't be able to tell in our house 'cause the Mom keeps the a/c cranked up so high that icicles are starting to form on my nose. At least I can snuggle in the laundry basket.
Hmmm, we gets a few hot days, then it gets cool again. So not bad so far for the summer. Mum turns on the cool blowy thing if we need it.
I want a/c! I want a/c! Well, maybe someday.... Mama and I love fall. Cooler weather a squillion sleeps away!!!
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