We have been invited to Edsel's house for tuna sandwiches. Now, I am not sure about the bread part, but the tuna sounds wonderful. All three of us are going and we will be leaving at 11:00 Ourtime (1:00 Edseltime.) We are bringing some catnip because Momma says not to go empty pawed, it isn't polite.
We can't wait to see the rainbow in the sunnyroom. It sounds like a wonderful napplace. Hope there are plenty of beds in the sunnyroom.
We also hope Edsel'smom is up to this. We are going to give her some special healing purrs and headbutts.
Patches Lady
Haf fun at Edsels! Trixie purrs hello to her bestest furriend Mittens.
Have fun girls! Emma says to give Edsel's mom well wishes! Can't wait to hear of your adventures there!
Send Edsel's mom purrs and headbutts from us too!
Have fun at Edsels. Please send some purrs and headbutts to his mom from me as well.
I told Edsel I'd be there, too. Tuna & a rainbow sound wonderful. I'm sure he wouldn't invite us all if his Mom wasn't up to opening enough cans!
You kits are so cute! Love your bloggy colours too!
Give her much loves and healing touches from us too.
You are very polite Cats. But then, it's always important to be polite for tuna.
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